Someone needs to clean out PM box

We've never met in real life.. why?
:eek: Do you know something I don't?!
By looking@Intensity's avatar picture, you would swear that Superbbgirl & Intensity could pass for twins!
OMG LMAO at you guys,ok let me explain this so that you understand,I am a man,yes a man,that is not me in the avatar that like Sachet said is SuperBBGirl my sweetie so I hope this doesn't break anyones heart :D

By the way Sachet I would like to meet you in real life,you seem like the woman that can keep a guy on his toes(or off if you are in the mood lol j/k :D)

IntensityX said:
OMG LMAO at you guys,ok let me explain this so that you understand,I am a man,yes a man,that is not me in the avatar that like Sachet said is SuperBBGirl my sweetie so I hope this doesn't break anyones heart :D

By the way Sachet I would like to meet you in real life,you seem like the woman that can keep a guy on his toes(or off if you are in the mood lol j/k :D)


she dont like homos :angry: :angry: :angry:

pudgy said:
she might run :(

we wont fight sunshine, intensity is the bigger man, he will step down :D

Auh come on Pudgepacker let's tango,or I can tango with Sachet(better that way anyway :D)
