space shuttle columbia breaks up...

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From CNN -
The space shuttle Columbia broke up today as it descended over central Texas toward a planned landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Seven crew members were aboard. A Bush administration spokesman said the shuttle's altitude -- over 200,000 feet -- made it "highly unlikely" that the shuttle fell victim to a terrorist act.
I saw that, Thats to bad. 7 people on board. They dont know what caused it yet. They don't believe it was terrorism because it was still to high up to be reached from anything on the ground when it broke up.:(
Yes this is very bad may GOD be with there family.It seems that for all the money we send to other country's we could have spent it on a new shuttle.You think about it how long can 1 of those ships last at the speed they fly
Sorry, but people die in horrible ways every day. All that makes this more tragic than any other accidental death is the cost to taxpayers, and the negative impact on our space program. Astronauts know the risks they take when they sign on for missions. The
A true tragedy....and those people who are trying to profit from broken remains of the shuttle should go straight to hell