splitting dosages for less injection pain?


New member
Im doing 500mg test e per week..

if i split this into 250mg twice a week would the inject paid be less? but more frequent?
shouldn't be that much pain at all bro but everyone is different. trial and error, try twice a week if that doesn't help switch it up to a 25g pin.
Madmax, if he has a batch like the one I'm using, the pain is immense. For mine, splitting hasn't reduced the pain. I had to split, because I'm using too much to put into a single weekly injection. If you can get by with one injection, I'd stick with that. I'm doing twice a week and it basically serves to keep me sore all week.
Madmax, if he has a batch like the one I'm using, the pain is immense. For mine, splitting hasn't reduced the pain. I had to split, because I'm using too much to put into a single weekly injection. If you can get by with one injection, I'd stick with that. I'm doing twice a week and it basically serves to keep me sore all week.

Ox, who's gear is it?
Im doing 500mg test e per week..

if i split this into 250mg twice a week would the inject paid be less? but more frequent?
Do you ever try heating it up to get rid of some of the BA.. But I wouldn't think once or twice a week would make much difference on the pain.
I would split it up for sure bro and maybe add in some other oil to help dilute it which might help, especialy if its a BA problem, also heating it up should help for sure
eh i see, its the BA thats the issue, i have yet to run into a batch that hurt just yet. i am curious to have the pain so i can better comment on it.
eh i see, its the BA thats the issue, i have yet to run into a batch that hurt just yet. i am curious to have the pain so i can better comment on it.

Give it time, you'll find one. MY first run of NPP and suspension was painless, this new brand is literally crippling me. My shoulders fucking hurt for damn near a week, my glute isn't as bad, but I buried a 1.5" needle in that fucker so that it was nice and deep
I wouldnt think it would make much of a difference, def heat it up first to thin it out a bit