Squat Til You Puke...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
We have all heard the saying, but who has done it? I have one time and once I got the feeling past me I had a great workout
I did box jumps till I puked during a crossfit workout. I've never pushed myself that hard during a regular leg day squat routine.
I would always puke everytime I trained legs in college, unless I passed out first on the way to my car. Either way, I would have to get carried to the car. Those were the days.
I have an employee that does this. He's real into squats and Olympic lifts though. He will train till he passes out, pukes, gets nose bleeds, he's an animal. I on the other hand, I have only done it once and I remember the day well... felt like crap the rest of the day, couldn't even bring myself to do my post workout protein thus I swore to never do it again.
ive never fully puked..but its been in my mouth.but never fully thank god...i often feel sick after legs...but as im allways running late around leg day its not a great feeling as ive got to ram a shake and get back to work..
I puked one day doing deads too, it was more because of what I ate before training, but I puked nonetheless
The 20rep squat is suposed to be good if you want to reach the puking stage.

10rep max on your back, don't rack the weight again till you do 20 full reps, rest+pause reps as long as it takes
I've started doing 100 rep sets on a squat machine. Only 140-180 lbs max. I do lock the machine when I can't do any more and take anywhere 10-20 seconds break if I need to lol but it still busts my chops. I can literally feel my ass hurting and shivering of pain lol pump is insane
I want to start doing something similar on smith machine front squats but haven't got balls for it yet lol
Can't do back squat as I have slip disc on L5. So trying to make up for it.
I have come damn close a few times, but always took a break to cool off and drink lots of water. I hate the feeling that I need to throw up to feel better