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Stacey Oster IFBB BIKINI PRO -Super cute!

pic or pics arent showing up for me for some reason. I just see a question mark in a blue square.
Yeah, very sexy and beautiful! Great representation of pro bikini!

Here you go, boys... enjoy! lol
See, i mean don't get me wrong, I'd love to bang the girl but why must she sexualize herself if she's trying to present herself as an honest athlete. This is where women bb (at all levels e.g. figure, fitness, etc.) looses me. Why do they have whore themselves out on the mags?

Of course, not all do this but I just don't think much of it. Undermines the credibility of the division and sport. I might sound like a broken record here but its just pointless IMO. Is it really for the money? because I think porn would pay better and that last photo isn't far off from that
I have to somewhat agree with you nair

She does look scrumptious though yummy
See, i mean don't get me wrong, I'd love to bang the girl but why must she sexualize herself if she's trying to present herself as an honest athlete. This is where women bb (at all levels e.g. figure, fitness, etc.) looses me. Why do they have whore themselves out on the mags?

Of course, not all do this but I just don't think much of it. Undermines the credibility of the division and sport. I might sound like a broken record here but its just pointless IMO. Is it really for the money? because I think porn would pay better and that last photo isn't far off from that

because it pays better then bodybuilding and fitness bro, come on you didnt know the answer to that! and i have to disagree completely about it undermineing the sport, its a mans world unfortunatly for the women and they are only playing the game that we men set the rules for, im sure they wouldnt have to and prolly rather not put their shit out there like that if they could make a decent living from this sport, hell this sport doesnt even pay our men bbers enough
because it pays better then bodybuilding and fitness bro, come on you didnt know the answer to that! and i have to disagree completely about it undermineing the sport, its a mans world unfortunatly for the women and they are only playing the game that we men set the rules for, im sure they wouldnt have to and prolly rather not put their shit out there like that if they could make a decent living from this sport, hell this sport doesnt even pay our men bbers enough

Well you sure as shit aint no feminist lol. But we'll agree to disagree. It's hypocritical in a sense, since I like looking at them, but I wouldn't want my wife or any one I cared about up there doing that stuff. And not all the women of the sport do such provactive modeling--more like a minority of the female atheletes so in regards to the money thing, I think most females do this as a side gig to their major career, not depending on winnings/ modeling as a primary source of income
its not like their nude, were talking about just seductive sexy pics right? i dont see anything wrong with it, and i wouldnt mind my wife doing a mag spread like that either, then again im secure in my marriage, lol, did that hurt? lol
Nah, bud, in all seriousness, I'm very secure too. Our values are just different.

See, I love my wife and that's why I would discourage her objectifying her body for money. We now know what you think of your wife. Poor girl. lol
Nah, bud, in all seriousness, I'm very secure too. Our values are just different.

See, I love my wife and that's why I would discourage her objectifying her body for money. We now know what you think of your wife. Poor girl. lol

See thats where were different, I wouldnt DISCOURAGE my wife from doing anything at all if its something she wanted to do. And i just dont see anything wrong with women doing sexy photos as long as it isnt full nude and done tastefully, and I would guess im the majority and would guess you would be in the minority as most of the men that thought like you do all died in the 50' and 60's.
oh and im sure ur secure i was just busting ur balls, and im sure u love ur wife, were just different bro
HAHAHA! Your not the first to say such a thing!

im sure im not,lol, but ill give ya this much bro, we might be better off as a society if we all had more of those traditional values like they did back then,
because it pays better then bodybuilding and fitness bro, come on you didnt know the answer to that! and i have to disagree completely about it undermineing the sport, its a mans world unfortunatly for the women and they are only playing the game that we men set the rules for, im sure they wouldnt have to and prolly rather not put their shit out there like that if they could make a decent living from this sport, hell this sport doesnt even pay our men bbers enough

Gotta agree... it's a man's world and sex sells! And you're right... the women especially don't make any money in this sport. That's why most have regular jobs, aside from competing. It's a lifestyle and a sport, but definitely not one you could support yourself and a family on (unless you're Jay Cutler!) Plus, photoshoots and magazine spreads provide added exposure for the athletes... more people know who they are, they are recognized more, more opportunities, sponsorships, etc.

By the way, I think these pics are tasteful and artistic. Jon would clearly disagree because if that were me in the pix, he wouldn't be so thrilled about guys seeing me from the same perspective that he sees me... and I understand and completely respect that. But damnit, we all work so hard on our bodies... sometimes it's nice to have something to look back on and say "damn, I worked hard and I look good!" LOL.