Start your own spplement business, create your own brand

I wasnt specting less from you my brother.
I will have your labels ready to your approval no later then tuesday.
I will give you all the necessary support to succeed my friend.

hmm thats weird I will ask saudades to look into this for you as it might be happening to others as well.

Also when do you think my labels will be ready to look at for approval? I cant wait to finaly have my own product line even if its just a few items to start with i think its great that we will have our own Line MuscleChemistry Supplements!

I will also have them in a few stores out here by me if all goes as planned. Then one day you will walk into your Local GNC and Bam there it is ...MuscleChemistry Supplements, lmao

MuscleChemistry Advanced Supplements
Bringing You all the ELEMENTS For A Better Body!
I wasnt specting less from you my brother.
I will have your labels ready to your approval no later then tuesday.
I will give you all the necessary support to succeed my friend.

Fantastic bro! Cant wait to see them.