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This is my first cycle. I want to put on some size. Right now i am taking 350mg of Test P a week. and 50mg anadrol a day. been on it for a week now. My question is what would you'll recommend that i add to it? keep it the same?? Change it?? I have some winny coming that i am going to take the last 4 weeks. Also one more question. In all your experiences when will i notice to see the results? How much weight should i expect to gain??? AS I WAS TOLD:
I wanna look good, Not lift all the weight in the GYM. :) All your comments will help... Thanks.... Stay pumped. :dj:
i'd up the test personally to 500, but if your gettin results on 350, then stay with it. You should start seeing results in weeks 1-2, because both components hit you fast! You might gain anywhere from 15-25 lbs. good luck
For a beginning cycle, 350 is plenty. Anadrol is pretty harsh, don't know if you really need that. I'd save the winny for your next cycle. It takes 2-3 weeks for it all to kick in. How long are you going to run it, and what are your stats/age? Goals? Do you have your PCT ready?
Thanks for the input.
i plan on running it for 12 weeks. i was gonna stop taking tha anadrol after the 3rd week. i have some nolva for my pct. i was hoping that thats all i need. My goal is to put on about 15lbs or so of good muscle. at least somewhat good, something that i could work with and lean it out after cycle. my stats are. i'm 26, 5 foot 9in. 180lbs. bout 20% body fat. i know that i would want to get that down after cycle. thanks, lemme know what would be a good PCT....
It would be best to get that 20% bf down before the cycle for best results. Since this is your first time, if you respond well, you could gain as much as 25 lbs. PCT would be nolva 40mg/day to block estrogen or run femara during the cycle at 2.5mg/day to keep estrogen from forming. Clomid at 40mg/day to get the balls working or you could do HCG--not sure of the protocol on that one--someone else want to chime in?
I really dont like anadrol. Its toxic adds a ton of water, and you really have a hard time keeping the gains.

When you first start, you want to try to use the least amount of gear possible, then work your way up.

Dont mix cutting cycles with mass cycles.

You also always want to do your homework first, have everything ready and then start your cycle. Modifying your cycle when you've already started sucks. But, what you should do for right now is stay at the same level with just the anadrol and the test. Maybe after you discontinue the anadrol, try upping the test to 500 to compensate. You dont want to start loosing gains when you discontinue the anadrol.
i will, thanks for all the input... this is the site that i'm gonna keep posting and reading on... all the other sites dont gimme no feedback... thanks again.
IMO, since you already started, I would continue this cycle as a cutting cycle.
The scale wouldn't change much, but the image in the mirror would. You would likely replace all that fat with lean muscle, and would LOOK much better - which your first post in this thread states is your goal.

If you dont know how to diet, just ask. Im pretty knowledgeable and many guys on here know alot more than me to help you get ripped up.

Dont up the test, 350mg of prop is just right for your first cycle. Although 12 weeks of EOD pokes wont be fun.
read your PM I sent ya. bumping is moving the thread to the top of the forum. You asked me about diet advice and I told you to post your question in this thread since one mans advice is alot less useful than everyones advice combined. I can give you good diet advice for an ectomorph, but it wont help much if you have an endomorphic or mesomorphic body type.
okay, been on for two weeks now and although i can see some gains in stregnth weight isnt really changing. what diet should i use? why am i not gaining??
okay, been on for two weeks now and although i can see some gains in stregnth weight isnt really changing. what diet should i use? why am i not gaining??
A seefood diet, as in see food, and eat it!!lol
Your dose will be fine for your first cycle,but after this i wouldn't ever take anadrol anymore,just to toxic.There are better oral out there with less water,and blood pressure.