started my cycle this week


New member
qv testE 750mg/qv deca 450mg/denkall d-bol 40mg

diet: i eat 3 wendy's classic triple,3 protein shake,a lot chicken,steak and a lot of fruits,veggies....flax seed oil....a lot of shit.

just finished my second shot,and haven't weighed myself.i am gonna weigh myself around week three.

i am started from 165,and my goal is up to that possible??
hongkongguy said:
qv testE 750mg/qv deca 450mg/denkall d-bol 40mg

diet: i eat 3 wendy's classic triple,3 protein shake,a lot chicken,steak and a lot of fruits,veggies....flax seed oil....a lot of shit.

just finished my second shot,and haven't weighed myself.i am gonna weigh myself around week three.

i am started from 165,and my goal is up to that possible??

It is possible but I would really watch out with adding too much fast food there. What kind of caloric intake are you ingesting? I would not want to add too much BF to this cycle but again don't know really know what your BF is currently. What I am trying to say is if you are looking to meet a caloric goal, you can do it without all the fast food over a span of 6-7 meals a day.
fast food will only get you extra bloat due to all the sodium /fat stick to high potein clean diet some fats... receptor sites will absorb as clean and will actually bring a "3 d look " to allsites .. no fast food .. water/ protein 2 grams /bodyweight .. i thought the fast food route when i first started.. gained mass but all water and fat ..for carbs drink a carb drink for extra energy
thanks man,not only fast food.i also eat a lot good food goal is gain as much as is hard to get high calories with clean food.and i don't care gain fat either....
it looks like i am telling that,i am eating junk food for my cycle.once again,i said[i eat all the good food[protein/carbs/fat] with fast food for extra calories.:)
WHOA!! First of all I would never claim to be some steroid guru or know it all but those are some very heavy doses for someone at your weight. I believe it is uneccesary to go that high at 165lbs. You really don't need that much gear. How much experience do you have? If you go ahead with a cycle such as this it could result in some very intolerable side effects. You will be heavier on the scales but it will be BLOAT and off-cycle you feel like shit(acne, mood swings) and then right back to the same weight you started at. You have to remember that muscle growth takes TIME, water retention doesn't. I believe if you lowered your doses a little but EXTENDED the length you will get better results without the sides.
When I first started I was 195lbs and was on a lot less. It was 400mg/wk Test. Enanthate and 25mg/ED dbol. I gained 20lbs and had no problems with side-effects. A good diet and strict training regime is crucial.
IMHO I would lower the Test to 500mg/wk, Deca 300-400/wk( a little 200mg/wk shot may even work depending on how potent it is), and Dbol 20-30mg/ed. As you already seem to have a reasonable amount of gear on hand this should result in a slightly longer cycle, in contrast to a short high dose "water bag" cycle.
I think the doseages should be judged more on cycle expierence that weight. So what is your cycle experience?

I know 165-180 is easily possible. But you realize, that probably wont ALL be muscle. You'll gain a bit of fat, just a guess.

Honestly, if you're bulking and you're at that weight/size, a few triples wont hurt you too bad. Be sure you're busting ass in the gym though, I caution.
thank you for your reply,i am 5-5' and small bone with 165 pounds to start with,now i weigh 175[from d-bol] after one i mentioned i said wanna gain as much as possible,and don't care gain fat and water.of course,i gotta get lean afterward.....thanks guys
shockfusion said:
WHOA!! First of all I would never claim to be some steroid guru or know it all but those are some very heavy doses for someone at your weight. I believe it is uneccesary to go that high at 165lbs. You really don't need that much gear. How much experience do you have? If you go ahead with a cycle such as this it could result in some very intolerable side effects. You will be heavier on the scales but it will be BLOAT and off-cycle you feel like shit(acne, mood swings) and then right back to the same weight you started at. You have to remember that muscle growth takes TIME, water retention doesn't. I believe if you lowered your doses a little but EXTENDED the length you will get better results without the sides.
When I first started I was 195lbs and was on a lot less. It was 400mg/wk Test. Enanthate and 25mg/ED dbol. I gained 20lbs and had no problems with side-effects. A good diet and strict training regime is crucial.
IMHO I would lower the Test to 500mg/wk, Deca 300-400/wk( a little 200mg/wk shot may even work depending on how potent it is), and Dbol 20-30mg/ed. As you already seem to have a reasonable amount of gear on hand this should result in a slightly longer cycle, in contrast to a short high dose "water bag" cycle. first cycle 's dosage similar to yours.sorry that i didn't tell this is my third one:D .so it is neccesary to up the dose.sorry for my unclear statement:p
and um....i am taking aromasin,no bloat.i can't believe i can gain 10lbs after 10 days just one week over.i know it may not the real gain.but i like the feeling,denkall d-bol is the bomb........
You have officially broke the board record of self-replies. Congrats! JK Bro, glad to see you happy with what you've accomplished so far. Just remember, it's dbol, and that's mucho water.
:D did i broke the record? people were misunderstood what i am trying to was my bad.and i can feel you all really support me....if not,you won't reply this thread thanks:)
Bro, if you dont care how much fat you will gain, then I'll say go ahead. That's the good thing about gaining. My last cycle I went from 194 to 245lbs. Heck you might even break the 200lbs barrier. Good luck!
hongkongguy said:
qv testE 750mg/qv deca 450mg/denkall d-bol 40mg

diet: i eat 3 wendy's classic triple,3 protein shake,a lot chicken,steak and a lot of fruits,veggies....flax seed oil....a lot of shit.

just finished my second shot,and haven't weighed myself.i am gonna weigh myself around week three.

i am started from 165,and my goal is up to that possible??

as shockfusion mentions, that is a hell of a lot of gear for your size...:eek:

15lbs IS obtainable, i would bump up my EFA's and dump those "wendy's classics" though;) you can make your own burgers at home with lean ground beef alot cheaper and not as much animal fat in them.

when i bulk, (and i bulk up to your size) i eat in one day;
6 or 7 whey protein shakes
3 steaks (inside round or top sirlion)
2 cups of oatmeal with brown sugar

of course spread out during the day. on or off-season, i keep my carb intake to complex carbs off-season (except the brown sugar, i LOVE brown sugar) and pre-contest i see no carbs at all :( (20gms post workout)

IMO, you need to put on fat in the off-season to obtain muscle, just the right kind of fats though....;)
I wouldnt be eating the junk food, I have done different types of bulker and ones were I eat very clean are my favorite, I feel much healthier. What is the point of putting on fat just to have to take it off later, when you loose fat you also loose muscle so the less fat you have to loose the more muscle you get to keep. Learn from my mistakes and stay lean. Besides your arteries will thank you in 30 years.
When I'm on certain cycles I eat whatever I want and I never gain fat. It's great. lol.

On my last prop/tren cycle I gained about 30lbs while losing about 1-2% bf.
getripped said:
Bro, if you dont care how much fat you will gain, then I'll say go ahead. That's the good thing about gaining. My last cycle I went from 194 to 245lbs. Heck you might even break the 200lbs barrier. Good luck!

mmm.....194 to 245lbs?? that is shit load of lbs man,i hope i can break the 200lbs barrier.

it has been 7 days,i went from 165lbs to 175.i know it is from the d-bol,but i really like the result though,i can tell i got bigger .man.....i don't know what will be happened when the testE and deca kick in??:)

and i will keep my cycle updated.