Started Tren Ace Today !!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Today is the first time that I have ever tried tren ace.. I've been wanting to try it for a long time now.. So today I gave it a try.. Hope it is as good as all the guys say it is..
I was told from a good bro on here to start out at 50mg e3d for a couple of weeks and then up it to 100mg e3d..

yeah that sounds about right, I would usually run around 75mg/EOD but then I started upping the dosages, got better strength gains but really not much in terms of muscle
Just wait until you get the tren cough for the first time lol...It's not funny when it happens to you, but when it happens to someone else it's kinda funny.
Just wait until you get the tren cough for the first time lol...It's not funny when it happens to you, but when it happens to someone else it's kinda funny.

Haha.. I was told about it.. I can't wait .. Lol
yeah start low and work your way up...100-150mg per week is good for about 2-3 weeks then work your way up 200mg per week. you prob could get away with that dose for your first time, but you might want to play with a good 300mg dose for a few weeks to see what effects you get. There seems to be a sweet spot with tren ace, where you get good gains (strengh and muscle) and fewer side effects. Once you get past that sweet spot, its more of feel like hell on it, and the gains arent any better. For me its around 300mg per week. I've tried more, but I just get irriatable, and the night sweats are horriable at 500mg per week.
yeah start low and work your way up...100-150mg per week is good for about 2-3 weeks then work your way up 200mg per week. you prob could get away with that dose for your first time, but you might want to play with a good 300mg dose for a few weeks to see what effects you get. There seems to be a sweet spot with tren ace, where you get good gains (strengh and muscle) and fewer side effects. Once you get past that sweet spot, its more of feel like hell on it, and the gains arent any better. For me its around 300mg per week. I've tried more, but I just get irriatable, and the night sweats are horriable at 500mg per week.

Thanks Bro.. I will do that..
I've read a lot of guys say that they get less sides with a lower dose of test. If you up the dose of tren and start getting sides, it might be worth it to back off on the test instead and see how you react.
I've read a lot of guys say that they get less sides with a lower dose of test. If you up the dose of tren and start getting sides, it might be worth it to back off on the test instead and see how you react.

I read this to.. But then you see guys running test high as hell to.. So who knows..
Exactly, everyone is different. Just thought it might be worth a try to see how your body reacts. :)

I will keep a eye on it.. Hopefully my body likes it .. Because it can only help.. lol. Thanks Bro !!!
Just my opinion but every 3rd day isn't optimum , I'm pretty sure eod is stretching it.
5 days on 2 days off. I hit on the days I lift and not the days I take off. I never take 2 days off in a row so my hormone levels stay peaked out all the time. I used to pin tren eod day, but never really felt the way I do now. Just got to get passed the whole pinning all the time fear....
I'm a puss still then. Right now I just want to see how by body can take it.. I'm doing 50mg e3d for a week or 2.