Starting Humalog Today


New member I just got my vial of Humalog, and I'll be starting today after my leg workout....~deep breath~ hopefully, this won't open up another mod postion.....just kidding. With all of the kick ass info you guys have given me, I have the utmost of confidence that I'll hit 260 in a few weeks with this stuff......YEAH BUDDY!!!!!
You understand the marks on the pins, right? How much are you starting with?
be safe bro and keep us posted on your results. I started taking slin almost two months ago and I love the stuff. I have never been this heavy. My lbm increased from slin supplementation alone to higher than it has ever been even when fully juiced! But I'm juicing again now cuz you know I can't ever get enough,,,lol
yes, I understand the marks on the pins...but I read in the "topic of the week" forum that I should start with 5 iu' this too much to start with?? Let me know....
That is good bro, just cram the carbs protein and creatine and your gunna grow like a weed.
OK, so I'm back now.....5 iu's and no probs whatsoever. I had two protein smoothies at the gym to the tune of 50g protein and about 80 grams carbs along with creatine and glutamine as well. I had to go to the mall afterwards, and I got a little dizzy walking through, but that was from the 3 freakin' stackers I took today.....I'm about to down a protein shake and a totino's party pizza...yeah buddy......

KICK ASS leg day BTW, I did 405 for two reps on front squats deep as shit.....legs are gonna be hurtin' tomorrow:D
i started with 8 units and have had little to no hypo problems as of yet. One thing i would suggest is that if your driving home from the gym, make sure u got some juice or something with suger in it incase you go hypo. gluck
I had a two liter of Mountain Dew with me......anyway, it's 4 hrs since my shot and I'm not dead yet. In the last 4 hrs I've choked down around 200 g protein and 200g carbs.....whew. Overkill, I know, but I was a little paranoid with this being my first time....

Gonna take some convincing to get some pics here....I actually have a digital camera this weekend but my wife said she wouldn't take any pics b/c it would be "gay" for me to post them
jshoty said:
i started with 8 units and have had little to no hypo problems as of yet. One thing i would suggest is that if your driving home from the gym, make sure u got some juice or something with suger in it incase you go hypo. gluck

Hell yes to that, I kept a two liter of Mountain Dew beside me!!
i have never been around too much slin and have only heard of people using it post cycle to bridge you have done your research I am looking forward to see how you do with slin alone. after all its sooooo cheap. good luck and be careful
bigjosh said:
I gained nearly 20 pounds in under 3 weeks with slin alone.

Good Lord, that's some big gains, I only put on about 7 or 8 pounds, I would have to go back to my workout/cycle journel to make sure.
ive worked up to 16 units postworkout and im noticing very nice pumps, strength gains, and some nice muscle gain. The only thing im disliking thus far is i get the shits like 3 or 4 hours after i take slin.
Good luck bro.....I didn't gain as much as jshorty but I didn't go near that high either. A close friend had a close call with that shit so I'm scared to do it anymore. Not worth it to me.

keep us posted on your results.....