Stay away from Precision Peptides

Just to update you guys. Stopped by Bayfront Hospital today and got some bloodwork. They are not 100% as to what put me into such a dangerous position that fast, but cyanide and formaldehyde were found in my blood.
I also tried 2ml of their claimed 200mcg per ml Clen today and dozed off 45 minutes later. I'm in awe.

That's fucking insane man, at least you're alright now. That's just crazy, cyanide and formaldehyde, surely you're not the only person to have sides like this
Hopefully you are keeping all your records. I would spend $100.00 and have an attorney send thema letter and threaten to litigate if certain remedies are not made. I would not second geuss that. When you own a business, you must be accountable for all negatice actions. They dont mind cashing the checks (positive actions) of business.

you cant do the policies of the company. research use only, not for human use...simple statement frees them from your actions and uses...

not bashing all their products, but when the reports are true about your peptides, then thats the truth...i have personally seen the HPLC analysis and it says cyanide. The Dude has bloodwork confirming cyanide. Proof positvie in my mind.

Are all products bad? NO, but your using simple stuff to get, that i can order tomorrow from a company in the US and set up a research shop of my own. If a few are bad then i guess you just have to know what to order. I just like one stop shopping so thats all im saying. Everyone should do whats best for them and support companies they value or believe in...thats what i do, hasnt failed me for the most part yet. The guy i know with them is still high on my list as well, known him for quite some time and i know this kind of stuff gets him

Genesis was the only peptide company i trusted and he's gone for good from what i know first hand on the matter.

Rest up dude like i said, recover, learn, and get yourself right, then go back at it
I'm new to this board. I am sorry to hear about what happened to you Mr. Dude. Hope your recovery is fast. Follistatin and Myo Pro Pep were some of the peptides i wanted to try but now i am scared because of what happened to you. i believe the peptides were not filtered correctly. what products would you recommend from xxxxxxxxxxxxx? what peptide companies would you recommend besides xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your time sir.

edited out the compnay name, they arent advertisers here so no links or ads for them
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I'm new to this board. I am sorry to hear about what happened to you Mr. Dude. Hope your recovery is fast. Follistatin and Myo Pro Pep were some of the peptides i wanted to try but now i am scared because of what happened to you. i believe the peptides were not filtered correctly. what products would you recommend from xxxxxxxxxxxxx? what peptide companies would you recommend besides xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your time sir.

edited out the compnay name, they arent advertisers here so no links or ads for them

Honestly I wouldn't recommend anything from them to the person I hate most in the world. I know of no other solid peptide companies. Rather than continue to try to reinvent the wheel I'm sticking to my AAS and MC IGF.
i have 3 bottles someone gave me free of their igf lr3.....i'm reconsidering keeping them now
The Dude I am sorry to hear about this. What a shitty situation for someone just wanting to improve themselves. After reading this thread I had something I wanted to share as well.

I ordered clen from PP as well. It took almost a month for a domestic delivery. I thought at least it was a good price so it was worth the wait. I was wrong. I took the clen for 3 weeks before I tossed it. I felt nothing on low doses of it. I started with 50mcg and worked up to 100 within the first week of use with no real effects from normal clen. In the past, 100mcgs of clen would really jolt me up..not with this.

So I kept upping my dose. Like you I was feeling nothing from 200mcgs of clen. That's ridiculous. When I went above 200mcgs I started to notice that I was becoming tired all the time. Not a normal tired either. It was more of a "trance" tired. For the past few days I have felt really out of it mentally. It was too a degree of where my significant other actually asked me "what are you on"? (she was hinting that I appeared to be on drugs)

Some weird things i've noticed..

I had no tremors even at 400mcgs. I was sweating profusely. My stomach was swollen feeling for the entire day after ingesting it. There are times in the day where I feel "out of it". It's hard to describe the "out of it",but I can assure everyone that it wasn't anything close to the "speed high" you feel from clen. It was more of a very slow mentally and physically feeling.

I just posted this to make more people aware of this stuff. There's no way I can say exactly what I've been taking,because I honestly don't know. I know clen doesn't give me the side effects i've been feeling. I've been using research chems/AS for 9 years and never felt anything like this.

I wouldn't use this stuff again if it was free. It is a danger to the bodybuilding/powerlifting community imo. I would strongly suggest against anyone using this,but I will also say to the people who are taking high doses of this stuff to stop..and stop immediately. If you can't feel 100mcgs of clen you need to toss questions asked.
Sorry to hear you got sick Dude... That truly sucks!

This is the second thread I've read about these guys. Another big thread on a different board I frequent spoke of other really bad health issues resulting from use of PP's stuff.

He is a reputable member and a supermod at another forum as well. Apparently the owner of PP's hasn't been responding favorably (if at all) to anyone regarding their resulting issues post use of his products. Also read he deletes bad review threads from his sponsor forums on various boards.
PP is pathetic man.

i ordered 3 bottles of their clen ...NOTHING ...wasted money on that and their T3 as well

their Aromasin and MT2 were OK but nothing spectacular
you guys need to toy Liquid Solutionz 100% satisfaction!

They are currently running a special! Buy any 3 products for $99, and can be 3 of the same product or 3 different individual products!
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That sucks that PP came out so bad! I opened a bottle of Clen from Sten Labs today, I purchased before the change, .... and 20mcg with two cups of coffee and I was shaking like a dog shittin peach seads!

Hey listen. If someone's negligence put you in the hospital, then do the right thing and get a free councel from attorney and send the company a letter. Basically, use the attorney as your torch and fucking litigate. Not sure why this hasnt popped-up more. You better beleive that if i fuck-up in the hosptial, the first thing I get is a letter from a patients attorney. So, whats the difference here??
Hey listen. If someone's negligence put you in the hospital, then do the right thing and get a free councel from attorney and send the company a letter. Basically, use the attorney as your torch and fucking litigate. Not sure why this hasnt popped-up more. You better beleive that if i fuck-up in the hosptial, the first thing I get is a letter from a patients attorney. So, whats the difference here??

I'd rather not ellaborate, but I am very different with far more resources. I do not want my actions to affect good people. That is my quandary. I feel that warning others is sufficient at this time.
I don't know what I'm on. I'm very out of it. I'm sweating profusely and in and out of consciousness. I'm at Bayfront, so I'm in good hands. Have a couple specialists working on me. They take very good care of my kind here.
well, this thread has just saved me 700$ and probably saved me from a major ass whoopin. lol. also, i used to work in the ER at bayfront. hehehe. love the southside of st pete, ay? these guys are from new port richey, right?
well, this thread has just saved me 700$ and probably saved me from a major ass whoopin. lol. also, i used to work in the ER at bayfront. hehehe. love the southside of st pete, ay? these guys are from new port richey, right?

The South Side is a zoo. They should fence it in, but Bayfront is a good hospital. The packages came from Lakeland or Land O Lakes. I'm glad I could save a few people from them.
The South Side is a zoo. They should fence it in, but Bayfront is a good hospital. The packages came from Lakeland or Land O Lakes. I'm glad I could save a few people from them.

haaa, it sure is a zoo.....more ways than one. lol. however, some of the best bbq ive ever tasted came from a guy parked out front of, oh i forget the name of it, but some food mart on i wanna say, 18th ave s? or 22ave S. either way, some of the best bbq chicken and rice ive ever had.

*i did my clinical rotation at bayfront, then wound up workin' in the ER there part time for a short time period.
Precision Peptides, Inc.
1642 Land O Lake Blvd
Lutz, FL 33549
Toll Free 1-855-568-3525
Fax : 813-948-0592

I believe if you do an internet search for the address it will come up as his home address. The above is the business address. I am pretty sure I am correct.
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