Steroid Bust/ Sentencing...


New member
Please read this article, and when you are done, please scroll to the bottom of the page and leave a comment as to your opinion on steroids, the fact that this is an injustice, especially for a first offense, and overall, please support your view on steroids, this article may very well end up in a very well known Bodybuilding magazine,

I need everyones support on this forum for this, and comment in this thread what you think as well...

WEB FIRST: Torrington man gets nine months for steroid distribution- The Register Citizen
Please read this article, and when you are done, please scroll to the bottom of the page and leave a comment as to your opinion on steroids, the fact that this is an injustice, especially for a first offense, and overall, please support your view on steroids, this article may very well end up in a very well known Bodybuilding magazine,

I need everyones support on this forum for this, and comment in this thread what you think as well...

WEB FIRST: Torrington man gets nine months for steroid distribution- The Register Citizen

I agree, the punishment doesn't fit the crime. But it makes you think twice about ordering them. I want to like a mofo, but I'm scared.
But if I wanted fake tits and to become a woman no problem.
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