Still a pansy with needles


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
been using 25 gauges for the longest, time. I get assistance from a female companion for the hard to reach areas for aspiration and delivery. I bought 23's this time so its easier on her small fingers to push the fluid through, went to pierce and was like GOT DAMN THAT THING IS HUGE.... I've always been a baby with doing injections myself not pain just the anxiety and I still haven't outgrown it haha. Thought I would think out loud for a moment.
Why don't you put the needle under warm water to heat the oil up so it comes out easier ?
good plan bro, I used to do this practice and should start, if I remember right it even lowered pip as well. I just started back after about a 3 year layoff so I think next time I shall give this a try as well.
same here bro i would rather someone punch me in the face than stick a needle in me

At least Im not the only one haha, It's funny after all this time its still there in the back of my head. Another thing I'm not really afraid of needles like doctors or getting blood work etc doesn't bother me much at all. I just hate giving them to myself.
I started w. 23's LMAO when I started using slin pins 4 IGF1 I realised how huge 23's are FUCK LMAO I really don't wanna use them again but in the glute it's not a problem well till iu get scare tissue LMAO
been using 25 gauges for the longest, time. I get assistance from a female companion for the hard to reach areas for aspiration and delivery. I bought 23's this time so its easier on her small fingers to push the fluid through, went to pierce and was like GOT DAMN THAT THING IS HUGE.... I've always been a baby with doing injections myself not pain just the anxiety and I still haven't outgrown it haha. Thought I would think out loud for a moment.

Same here but I couldn't stick myself if my life depended on it. LOL
That's pretty common, I have no fear of needles unless they are just laying on the street or something lol
I had to give myself a shot once with an 18gauge of penicillin 3mls ice fucking cold straight from the fridge..Never again!
I use 23 and 25 myself. 25 for legs, arms, chest and 23 for glutes.
The only ones I dislike are slin pins, they are so tiny to me I fear them breaking off in me for some weird ass reason.
I get all excited about the days I get to push juice into my muscles. That is until the moment comes where I have to penetrate my skin with a needle. I push it in so slow it probably takes a good 3 seconds to get that 1" inside me. Not fun but got to be done!

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I get all excited about the days I get to push juice into my muscles. That is until the moment comes where I have to penetrate my skin with a needle. I push it in so slow it probably takes a good 3 seconds to get that 1" inside me. Not fun but got to be done!

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There's a joke there somewhere lol
Yeah I like to say loudly "OHHH BILLY" as I insert that "1inch" inside
I have to find a longer name for the 1 and a half inch lmfao
Was out of town for a while this turned into hilarity haha. you guys are nuts.
Lol, you think 23s are huge, you should try 22s, that's what I started with. (I don't even want to imagine using 18s!) I didn't even know there were thinner needles for almost half that time, and I've been injecting for over 15 years. When I found out about 23s and 25s, I literally yelled, "THANK YOU!!!" I will commonly use 25s for smaller muscle groups, but 23s work best in the legs and glutes.
Lol, you think 23s are huge, you should try 22s, that's what I started with. (I don't even want to imagine using 18s!) I didn't even know there were thinner needles for almost half that time, and I've been injecting for over 15 years. When I found out about 23s and 25s, I literally yelled, "THANK YOU!!!" I will commonly use 25s for smaller muscle groups, but 23s work best in the legs and glutes.

wow I couldn't do it, would be like sticking a damn sharp straw in my arm lmao. I like you do prefer the 23's in glutes I think. For shoulders though I'm about to have some 25's on the way to hell with the 23's for shoulders.