stimulate apitite?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
hey guys, ive been getting very frustrated with my self. i have been trying to make gains throughout my body. just aint happening. i was my heaviest this past cycle at 232lbs. ive been stuck at that weight for a long time. i made some good strength gains but thats it.

im pritty sure where im stuck at is the deit. i cant get my self to eat the amount of food required to build more muscle. i had help planning a deit out, and its alot damn food man. ive taken apitite stimulates like engorge and some all natural stuff. it didnt have the affect i wanted it to have.

so my question is, while on cycle, given my body weight, im trying to get to 240-250lbs, would T3 help my metabolism and stimulate more apitite? if so can anybody advise me on cycling this the safest way possible, or suggest something diffrent that you know for sure works? thanks guys for any help.
Eq makes me hungry as hell, also if your bodyfat is low insulin and gh might help, I would ask The Dude for help with the insulin if you want to try that route. I know it sounds disgusting but when I get to a point where I cannot eat anymore, I have been known to blend my meals (meat veges carbs) with water and drink them, a little mustard helps, as well as not breathing through your nose.

I have heard of people using T3 with GH and Insulin in the offseason but I never have.
thanks for the input jenn, im cutting right now, to drop bf more before i try and bulk again, but im doing something similar with drinking the food. i eating alot of fish, mostly tuna during the day. it get discusting, so i chew it up then take a drink of crystal lite with every bite till i finish.
thanks for the input jenn, im cutting right now, to drop bf more before i try and bulk again, but im doing something similar with drinking the food. i eating alot of fish, mostly tuna during the day. it get discusting, so i chew it up then take a drink of crystal lite with every bite till i finish.

Red meat man. That's what it takes for me and although I got a great boost from it, I'm now finding I need more... I look at some of the guys diets in the offseason and wonder how they arent 160lbs. The only "shakes" I drink are my post insulin 1000 cal shakes with over 100g of protein and over 200g of carbs....
Appetite was a huge problem for me and still can be. I found what is CURRENTLY working is larger ins doses and more important is Im eating a larger meal before bed and eating more in the morning. It seems to be strecthing my stomach and I swear that even if I eat a steak, potatoes and even a casein shake with fiber in it just before bed,....My stomach is waking me up within 6 hours with the worst pain. This is new for me during the past 30 days so Ill keep you up to date.
thanks guys^^^^ when i start bulking again, ill start with a low dose of ins, 5iu in the am and 5iu after my work out. see what happens. i eat at night, but just a small amount of food before bed, ill trying putting down a good meal before bed. thanks again ill update you guys
Good luck Bigz! Eating a ton of calories from shit food is easy, eating a ton of calories from clean food is very difficult, I got faith in ya!:chicken:
Have you tried GHRP-6?

I just started and I can tell you....nothing has made me as hungry as this shit!

About 10 mins after application I feel like i haven't eaten in 2 weeks.
I need an appetite stimulant very bad. I'm hoping to run EQ for the first time in my next cycle and maybe I can try some GHRP-6 soon too.