Struggling to get into a new routine...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So as I've posted already, I'm back to my regular shift at work and back at my regular gym. My problem now is just getting into a new training schedule. I was going to the gym around 7am during the holiday season and now I can go anytime I want before I go to work at 3pm, but I can't get my ass motivated to do it.

How long does it take you all to get into a new routine?? I've heard people say it takes around 3 weeks to adjust to a drastic change like this and I'm on week 2 so I'm almost there, but shit I hate missing the gym and feel like a waste
Just take a preworkout at home you'll get restless enough to get your ass to the gym. By the time you get to the gym preworkout has kicked in and you are 45 - 60 minutes away from post workout. BOOOYAH>!!
That's normally what gets me to go, if I take a preworkout and then halfway change my mind, I talk myself into not wasting it so I end up going.
Dude read Jamie Lewis's blog chaos and pain and there's no way you won't want to train.

And my motivation right now (aka not my overall end goals) is embarrass the fuck out of all the oly shoe wearing douche bags at my gym. In short, it's because when I see them, I think "hey fuck you" and that's why I want to get stronger/bigger/learner.
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There are times when I really dont feel like training, but then I sit at home and beat myself up over it and get Pissy, so no matter what I drag my tired ASS to the gym, sometimes I have a piss-poor workout , but I tried ... BUT some of my BEST workouts have come on those days, I made myself go and something just clicked after a few sets. SO JUST GET YOURSELF THERE BIG-N , and let the chips fall where they may.. you don't want to be average do you? FUCK AVERAGE!!!! NOW GO TRAIN BRO!! hope that helped you out..
I used to work out at about 6 pm, and I made a switch to 5:00 am. I'd say it probably took me 2-3 weeks to acclimate. You just have to remind yourself why you're going to the gym in the first place. For me in the beginning of the switch, I'd be so tired that I'd want to just stay in bed, but I knew I wouldn't be able to work out any other time the way I wanted to, so I pulled my ass out of bed and got over there. By the end of week 3, I had started to automatically wake up right before the alarm. Now it's easy.
I hear you bro. I was in the rut of just being addicted to the pump and ignoring that my gains were minimal. I switched to positive failure (note negative failure) training and love it! Mentzer style training. Splits are way different and I've made gains on a weekly basis (strength and/or size). And I dont get a massive pump like I use to but I am more fatigued by far!!!!