Stupidest things you have seen in a gym...

Now I know certain people go to gyms for good reasons so I am not knocking anyone here but this is true in its entire way.

We (partner and I) were working on our bi's. We watched a rather large woman walk past us in the background of the mirror.
We took a moment to mock her and then congratulate her for being so brave to come to the gym and at least try.
She went to the cardio side close to where we were working out and started walking on her cardio machine.
We glanced at her from time to time in morbid curiosity of what she would look like if she wasnt #300 at 5'8". Anyways during my last set we heard this noise of the machine acting like it was getting to much of a load and we turned to look just as the lady was thrown backwards from the treadmill and slammed against the wall.
The machine had bogged down from the small incline and the belt was being put under to much tension when she lowered it back it sped back up and ejected her ass back against the wall and she actually left an crater in the drywall..
Ambulance came and I guess she broke her leg because gravy was pouring out everywhere..LOL
well weeks later she came back and started again..gotta give her props but that shit was so damn funny..I nicknamed her catapult.