Suggested Weekly Axio Cycle



Axio will be giving out weekly sample cycles for beginner, intermediate and advanced users as well as cutting cycles and bulking cycles. These are just templates and can be added to or take away from. These will be thorough cycles with pct and anti e regimens as well.

This following cycle is an intermediate cycle but if the doses are decreased it would also make an good beginner cycles.

- Axio Testaplex Enanthate 250:
Wks 1-12:
750mgs/wk (M,W,F)

- Axio Equiplex 200:
Wks 1-12:
600mgs/wk (M,W,F)

- Axio Oxandraplex (Anavar):
either Wks 1-6 -or- 7-12:
- Axio Methanoplex:
Wks 1-6:
40mgs/ ED

- Axio Exeplex (Aromasin):
1mg/ E3D or EOD or ED (depends on how you respond)


- HCG:
Wks 11-13:
1500iu E3D

- Axio Tamoxiplex:
Wks 13-15:
60mgs, 40mgs, 20mgs

** - Axio Exeplex (Aromsin):
Wks 13-15:
1mg/ EOD

**if needed...
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great for a first timer !!

but do you think 750mgs of eth for a first timer isnt too much ?

my first time i did 400 mgs a week and got great results
I think that my first cycle is going to be test only. Two reasons. First, I think baby steps are better, if you start out with several compounds or high dosages, when you plateau you have less room to increase and keep gaining. Second, a test only cycle will allow me to see how my body responds to that. If I were to stack two compounds together for the first time and got bad sides, how would I know what they were from?

Aside from that, I would love to try some Axio products when I'm ready, all I hear is great things :)