I got my order, so thanks for the follow-up. One bottle was crushed but the caps look ok. Ill inspect further later. These fucking shipping companies must jusrt throw anything on top of packages. I cant wait to try them and Ill give you an update on the effects
Is this a good idea if you're already on testosterone supplementation? I don't want to overdo it, but of course would love to see some dramatic gains, like the next guy...
I only use a doc prescribed test cream, so I cant help you as far as your health. Know your body, stay safe, get your blood work.
Just added it to my stack. 20mg a day with 700 test/e. I'm not sure if it is kicking in already but I pr'd on db flat press with 140lbs 8 times lol.
Is this a good idea if you're already on testosterone supplementation? I don't want to overdo it, but of course would love to see some dramatic gains, like the next guy...

I'd actually say this is a very good product to use if you are on say HRT...or prescribed low doses of test...reason being is that anyone who uses the DMZ 2.0 that is not on HRT, will shut down Natural HPTA and need to PCT afterwards, whereas if you are running a low dose of test with this such as HRT, then you don't need to PCT and it's a gigantic kickstart..or frontload...

REP, glad to hear you got your stuff, let me know how it works out for you! Im gonna go back on for a 2 week run of the product..I love the size gains, the back pumps I can only bare a few weeks at a time LOL

Also, quick update, just trained another kid, 22ish in age, maybe 5-6 years solid in the gym..We upped his diet and ran a bottle and half of DMZ with nothing else just recently, and he went up 17lbs of bodyweight...Bloated a bit, but nonetheless he made a gigantic gain from this stuff.
It's funny to me because a few months ago when I really started looking into this product...even my friends thought I was insane but several pro's I trust swore by it, that in itself was enough for me to want to try it..

Now mind you, I have been on the forums since usually when I back something, people get it, but it seems like everyone and their brother initially questioned this, only to then love the stuff..maybe the industry is changing. Reputation used to mean something LOL

I know even Nuk stands by this and that also says alot...any real competitor who stands by a product to which they are not sponsored, people need to listen.

Somehow I have become the spokesperson for this stuff, I have guys every gym I go to asking me for a discount code for this stuff!! I am not affiliated with, nor make a dime off this product. Bottom line. Want an OTC product that mimics Dbol, if not don't buy it thats all I tell people...

When it is gone I expect a mass amount of emails, hey can you get this stuff still?? Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.
It's funny to me because a few months ago when I really started looking into this product...even my friends thought I was insane but several pro's I trust swore by it, that in itself was enough for me to want to try it..

Now mind you, I have been on the forums since usually when I back something, people get it, but it seems like everyone and their brother initially questioned this, only to then love the stuff..maybe the industry is changing. Reputation used to mean something LOL

I know even Nuk stands by this and that also says alot...any real competitor who stands by a product to which they are not sponsored, people need to listen.

Somehow I have become the spokesperson for this stuff, I have guys every gym I go to asking me for a discount code for this stuff!! I am not affiliated with, nor make a dime off this product. Bottom line. Want an OTC product that mimics Dbol, if not don't buy it thats all I tell people...

When it is gone I expect a mass amount of emails, hey can you get this stuff still?? Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.

Alright I'll buy another one. Lol
I have been using DMZ 2.0 since Saturday.. All I can say is this stuff works. I'm only taking 1 capsule a day. And I plan on to using it up 2 capsules a day starting Saturday.. And my appetite is starting to go crazy. So far I think it is working good. I plan on taking it for 6 weeks is that to long ?

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I don't think 6 weeks is too long, though I am basing this off alot of Log's I saw where people actually ran Bloodwork and they had minimal if any increases in liver or kidney function.

I did not have blood work...I know my body and if it's stressed and in all honesty it was not stressed at all...

Im still at it, I look huge, my clothes don't fit...the pumps are not as bad taking it like I am now..but when the muscle pumps do come, they are unbearable!
Update 1/23/2013

Ok so there is a new discount Code for us to use it is: I believe the other expired.


Between here and the other forums I posted this I would say at least 20-30 confirmed orders, we had one issue where shipping was delayed...turned out it was paid for via Paypal and they did not see that it was paid for until an MC member asked me and I had them look into it. And to take care of it PJ personally sent a bonus supplement. So like I said, even though I am not affiliated with this company. They are legit. And I have 100% faith in PJ. And the one issue that came up, he took care of it immediately.

I also hear they have another product in the works, if I hear any updates, you guys will be first to know!
Thanks man. I just passed the info on to my brother. He's going to try a couple bottles
Wesley do you have any inside scoop on how many bottles of dmz are actually left? I'm tempted to order 4 more even though I haven't tried it yet. Is it worth it to get 4 more w out trying it yet LOL?
Wesley do you have any inside scoop on how many bottles of dmz are actually left? I'm tempted to order 4 more even though I haven't tried it yet. Is it worth it to get 4 more w out trying it yet LOL?

I don't know..I can ask PJ...I don't know if he even knows...You see he works for and is sponsored by Iron Mag Labs, this re-seller is Blackstone.

I don't know if this is the reality, but my assumption is that IML knows this product cannot last forever, it will probably be banned at some point, so rather then risk sitting on tons of bottles, they moved it all cheap and had a reseller take their remaining stock...this move and the lower cost, and the fact that the product works wonders is making it sell out all over...I have seen now 3 companies sell out.. I do not believe it will be made again, but I can be wrong.

Its funny, same thing happened to SuperDrol and many other PH's..They were widely available and everyone had access for reasonable price, the second it got banned, everyone wanted it, now people pay 2-3 times the cost to get one bottle!!!!! LOL..gotta love supply and demand.

I'd say it's totally up to you, but if you have a group order, say you and some friends want to order and you have an order of 10+ bottles, let me know and i will see what else PJ can do for you, because that IMO is deserving of special consideration :)
I don't know..I can ask PJ...I don't know if he even knows...You see he works for and is sponsored by Iron Mag Labs, this re-seller is Blackstone.

I don't know if this is the reality, but my assumption is that IML knows this product cannot last forever, it will probably be banned at some point, so rather then risk sitting on tons of bottles, they moved it all cheap and had a reseller take their remaining stock...this move and the lower cost, and the fact that the product works wonders is making it sell out all over...I have seen now 3 companies sell out.. I do not believe it will be made again, but I can be wrong.

Its funny, same thing happened to SuperDrol and many other PH's..They were widely available and everyone had access for reasonable price, the second it got banned, everyone wanted it, now people pay 2-3 times the cost to get one bottle!!!!! LOL..gotta love supply and demand.

I'd say it's totally up to you, but if you have a group order, say you and some friends want to order and you have an order of 10+ bottles, let me know and i will see what else PJ can do for you, because that IMO is deserving of special consideration :)

I'm down for a group order. I could go for 4-6 more myself and always resell if I didn't like the product. Plus I think I have some other buddies I could convince to go in on it.
get it while you can, you wont be disapointed, I have four bottles in my supplement cabniet , its great in a stack instead of dbol....only sides I've gone through have been extremley dry mouth and if taken in the afternoon trouble sleeping....I take it pre workout in the mornings now and no issues sleeping anymore....its like an oral Mastron...hardness and strength...
get it while you can, you wont be disapointed, I have four bottles in my supplement cabniet , its great in a stack instead of dbol....only sides I've gone through have been extremley dry mouth and if taken in the afternoon trouble sleeping....I take it pre workout in the mornings now and no issues sleeping anymore....its like an oral Mastron...hardness and strength...

i put it in my preworkout drink , the pumps hurt like hell! lol good stuff
get it while you can, you wont be disapointed, I have four bottles in my supplement cabniet , its great in a stack instead of dbol....only sides I've gone through have been extremley dry mouth and if taken in the afternoon trouble sleeping....I take it pre workout in the mornings now and no issues sleeping anymore....its like an oral Mastron...hardness and strength...

How does it do for mass gains?