Super Sustanon 600. 10g test e 10g test d 10g test u

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I like long esters and high doses of test so I brewed a mix of test e, test d and test u.

10g test e
10g test d
10g test u
1.5mL BA (3%)
10mL BB (20%)
16mL EO

30g in 50mL makes 600mg/mL. A clear pale yellow colour.

I don't have any reaction to EO apart from the fantastic reaction I get from 600mg/mL of test.

What's PIP? Something other people seem to get. LOL!

Dr B.
Honestly if you get no PIP from this, then your not human. As the esters themselves in that dose will crystalize and cause some in the area of injection.
I made a 500mg/mL blend of test u and Eq with 50/50 GSO/EO and it was fairly viscous but injectable with a 25G.

This time I bumped the concentration up but using all EO kept it much thinner.

Yeah, no PIP.

Not human? You must know my wife. She says that about me too. LOL!
600mg/mL and no pain? unreal highest I have gone is 525mg and it felt like someone hit me with a bat
Yeah I believe everything I read on the
..GSO/EO a synthetic and an organic mix didn't give you an separation with low amounts of thinner?

Why no test iso in there to give it the 10 day extension. I cant tell what tests your using. Test E is not in Sust. Deconate and undeconate esters, you titled it Sust 600.

Most sust contains 30 mg test Prop, 60mg test phenylprop, 60mg test iso, 100mg test decanoate.

So what you put in yours make no sense an isn't sust. You mixed a bunch of long esters, that exhibit almost the exact same effects of each other.
I would call it Frankenstein Test instead lol