Superbowl thread


New member
Well, The Patriots made it now the Packers game is on and I hope Green Bay wins. No matter who wins ,as soon as we know the results, I want poeple to name their picks for the Superbowl. I'll make my pick after the green bay game is over.
I am the same G...and now I'm torn. I absolutely hate Brady and Belachek (sp?) however it would be cool to see a team go completely undefeated...but I don't want it to be them. However, I absolutely hate all of the Giants, they're my Cowboys biggest rivals and I can't see myself wanting either team to win. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I don't know what I will do or who I will rout for. Either way I am going to hate the results, but I can't decide which I will hate more, Brady and Bellachek getting the perfect season or the Giants winning the Superbowl. Actually, typing that in decided it for me. I will be going for the Pats...I can't even stand the thought of the Giants winning the big one!!! But I don't like having to do this
I cant believe Brett threw that interseption in overtime. ! I almost cried., And I'm a Ravens fan. I just wanted to see his record breaking year and career end with another Super Bowl ring. Well guess I'm going with the Pats of course. Who would have thought the Giants would make it to the Super Bowl. Not me, Thats for sure.
no shit i hate both teams specially brady ill watch it just prob wont route for anybody will prob just drink beer and pretend my boy petyan or romo made it :(
There you go, theres 2 QB'S I'd rather watch than brett and Tom Lady Oh sorry" I meant Tom Brady. Na just kidding, you gotta admit that he's pretty good but the rest of the team is also awesome right now. Really I dont think one part of the team wether it be defense or offence, receivers,runnigbacks,special teams or whatever. I think the reason they are so good is because every part of the team is in sync with each other. Basicly what I'm trying to say is in todays football,with the salery cap. Most teams have either a strong offence or a strong defence with a big play maker on either side. Take for example the year the Ravens won the Superbowl. That whole season was won with our defence.We had no real good QB. Just had a really badass defence, Trent dilpher was our QB at the time and the only thing that you could really count on with him was, he wasn't going to turn the ball over. But ,we usualy had to put most of the burden on the shoulders of kicker, Matt Stover. I think he scored something like 5 times the amount that the QB that
Yeah, brady and Co make me sick, but I think it would be pretty cool for a good guy like Junior Seau to finally win a ring... Some guys just deserve it...
I'm definitly routing for the G-men. It's nice to see a NY team in the the superbowl, even though I'm not much of an NFL fan. I reeeeeeeeeally don't want the pats to win since N.E. fans already got the world series this year and the celtics are kickin ass for them. Give us something! LOL
Hey Spidy, what you think about T.O.'s little cry, "thats my quaterback, sniff,sniff,
thats my team, sob,sob." Sorry, I think that guys a jerk. Great in the open field but
has those aligator arms in the middle of the field. And if he hasent had headlines in
a while he will come up with a way to get in there again, cry,cry.
yeah, TO is a moron. But he's a great receiver on the outside. I like him b/c it changes up the way teams play the Cowboys, but that is his only redeeming quality. He's a moron...but I liked the boys way before TO...I just hope they get some sort of secondary next year!!!
Spiderman said:
yeah, TO is a moron. But he's a great receiver on the outside. I like him b/c it changes up the way teams play the Cowboys, but that is his only redeeming quality. He's a moron...but I liked the boys way before TO...I just hope they get some sort of secondary next year!!!
agreed ive like the cowboys since i could walk i still have my like 3rd grade cowboys pullover when those were so bad ass haha.
tool said:
I cant believe Brett threw that interseption in overtime!

I couldn't believe it either! I would have liked to see GB make it to the Superbowl, but now I suppose I'll be cheering for the Pats.