
I think they still sell it under a different name now. Mdrol maybe?
was being sold under new names with a slightly different list of ingrediants i think, i ran one cycle of it and gained a great deal of size like 12 pounds in three weeks kept about 8 not all obviously being muscle but my strength also skyrocketed, did a good pct and still got some rebound gyno about 3 weeks after pct got most of it taken care of with combo of nolva and bromo. Obviously some of it was prolactin induced because the nolva wouldnt take care of all of it. Oh and also fucked up my lipids like dbol and nothing else ever has, liver was a little high but nothing crazy, the lethargic feeling was pretty bad on it as well.
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Ah yes superdrol. Yes super is still available, It is a powerful designer steroid and personally reminded me of Anadrol when I used it. The main drawback with it is that you feel ill on it at around week three. This feeling is not crippling but it is a factor. It is by far the most powerful otc compound out today and the most popular. It can also be harsh on liver enzymes and such.
The most reliable versions of this oral are Mdrol,Beastdrol, Superdrone,Methadrol,Transform sd, and Iron labs Methyl S (currently an incredible 16.99 a bottle at lockout nutrition)
Ah yes superdrol. Yes super is still available, It is a powerful designer steroid and personally reminded me of Anadrol when I used it. The main drawback with it is that you feel ill on it at around week three. This feeling is not crippling but it is a factor. It is by far the most powerful otc compound out today and the most popular. It can also be harsh on liver enzymes and such.
The most reliable versions of this oral are Mdrol,Beastdrol, Superdrone,Methadrol,Transform sd, and Iron labs Methyl S (currently an incredible 16.99 a bottle at lockout nutrition)

For $17 a bottle I bought 2. I don't know when or if I'll ever use it though.
I used the old SD from Anabolic Xtreme about 5 years or so ago and liked it real well. Did like 3 cycles with it and stacked Testra-Flex with it on the last one.

Testra-Flex was a good one too but it's not around anymore that I know of. Part of the ban in 05 or whenever it was. I didn't know SD was still around though... good stuff for sure! And heck, $17.99 a bottle??? WOW!
How was the weight gain. Wet/dry, puffy. I'm still to much of a pussy to get the real stuff. I'm going thru one hell of a nasty divorce. I could go on. I would love a "kick". I would like the compound to give me lean weight, not wet.
How was the weight gain. Wet/dry, puffy. I'm still to much of a pussy to get the real stuff. I'm going thru one hell of a nasty divorce. I could go on. I would love a "kick". I would like the compound to give me lean weight, not wet.

Tough one for me to answer as its been a while. Technically though super is supposed to provide dry gains. It is quick strong and powerful, and make no mistake it IS "real stuff"
you can still get it, and SD is masicly just methyl-mast.
google Beastdrol from mrsupps. its a good one in my op.
dont normally use ph/ds oct stuff is just hype with dhea or some other alterd crap. but superdrol/methylmast is good stuff. 30mg for like 6 wks is nice.
prob will be banned soon. some how thsi one one of the best got missed and its in my op a strasight steroid not aph, so i dont understand it.
anyway my 0.2
you can still get it, and SD is masicly just methyl-mast.
google Beastdrol from mrsupps. its a good one in my op.
dont normally use ph/ds oct stuff is just hype with dhea or some other alterd crap. but superdrol/methylmast is good stuff. 30mg for like 6 wks is nice.
prob will be banned soon. some how thsi one one of the best got missed and its in my op a strasight steroid not aph, so i dont understand it.
anyway my 0.2

Did you ever try Pheraplex?
superdrol/mdrol/etc. is dry gains.

but the sides for me were pretty bad. Appetite gone, lethargic and tired all the time. My weight stayed the same (cause I couldnt eat) but I leaned out some. I couldnt stay on it long, just felt like shit.
Tough one for me to answer as its been a while. Technically though super is supposed to provide dry gains. It is quick strong and powerful, and make no mistake it IS "real stuff"

+1... I had nothing but good things happen for me when I was on it. Dry lean weight was what I got from it.
Did you ever try Pheraplex?

I did...pheraplex, my personal favorite formerly OTC designer steroid...good strength gains, libido increase, sense o well being....a little bit of water....but not "wet"....if anadrol and dbol had a baby it would be pheraplex (not becase of any chemical relation)
I did...pheraplex, my personal favorite formerly OTC designer steroid...good strength gains, libido increase, sense o well being....a little bit of water....but not "wet"....if anadrol and dbol had a baby it would be pheraplex (not becase of any chemical relation)

Thanks for that. I'm happy I stocked up on phera before the ban. I probably should have gotten more as they were going for $10 a bottle!
I did it before doing pins. Too hard on the liver, got good gains though. Probably never do it again.