Why? Cause if u say he looks good for his age I'm going to ban ya! Lol not that I'm in my 40's but I'm in my late 30s and it ain't hard to still look good well into ur 40s if this is ur life style choice

Just wanted to jump in on that point lol incase that's where u were going with it lol

no I was just going to say maybe there's still hope for my fat ass

sorry it's pmma.

PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate) fillers contain about 20 percent of tiny PMMA microspheres that are suspended in 80 percent of purified collagen gel. A few months after it is injected, the collagen gel breaks down and your body produces its own natural collagen to fill out the space under the skin.
This type of dermal filler is considered semi-permanent, and is most often used to treat medium-to-deep wrinkles, folds and furrows, particularly nasolabial folds. It can also be used to fill out pitted scars and to augment thin lips.
When a more permanent solution to facial wrinkles is desired, PMMA is often used instead of collagen replacement therapy or hyaluronic therapy. PMMA has been used for many years in permanent surgical implants. Because of this, your surgeon will likely under-fill on the first treatment, adding more later if needed.
One of the downsides of PMMA is that a number of injections are needed to create volume and it can take up to three months to realize the full effects. It may also be visible under the skin. To avoid any unwanted results, it's key that your plastic surgeon is familiar with the proper technique, which involves injection at the dermal subcutaneous junction using threading or tunneling methods.
<iframe height="360" src="<a href=" width="640" target="_blank" czKF3_8d4hA?feature='player_embedded"' embed="""">SUPERMUTANT POSE DOWN AT THE 2012 MR OLYMPIA EXPO - YouTube</a>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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crap I tried to upload a video the way presser wants and It came out this way..what am i doing wrong