Supplementing your dog with anabolics


New member
Im interested in giving my female dog test and overfeeding her. She chases balls and will pull weights when i throw the ball to her. Do any members have any info positive and negative about giving dogs test shots. Before and after pics of your dogs would be sweet

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I have always been a dog owner. Every breed I ever had built muscle by exercise, jumping running, and especially having more than one dog to wrestle with. Even my neutered dogs have done this. I have rat terriers that kill raccoons, possums but I don't allow them to hurt cats.
Anabolics for our dogs I say no! They are our pets they depend on us to help them and trust us. It isn't their choice and it is inhumane IMO! Please don't do that your dog is your loyal companion. If we choose gear than we do, I wouldn't ever go as far as giving it to my pet or any child. People that do this with their own children the behavior starts somewhere. Sorry for my opinion
I am a dog lover. My dogs are my best friends always been. They are my companions, sometimes the only living thing we have that is loyal to us. They should never be our research project. And just cause our dog will do everything with us we shouldn't force them to share our habits. Please do not do this! These are the very things that attract attention cause movements that make it difficult for us. The whole deal is we are using ourselves. We are not giving or influencing anyone else. What u are talking about is inhumane. And gives us who use gear for ourselves only a bad name!
Ok. I was thinking super low dose. She has been spaded. What about if you had an old dog with bad joints. Wouldnt it help him or her. What were most of the veterinary roids used for?

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Just say no there is no benefit for the dog with gear think why there is mainly Mexico gear for dogs most veterinary gear is for live stock brother
lol, sadly enough I think this is a real questions, and not someone pulling a prank. Unreal
No... if a vet prescribes something for your dog that is a medical expert. This comes down to some people believing animals are property which they are not. Your dog is your companion and trusts you to always have her best interests at heart. Do what you want with your body, but you made a pact when you chose to care for her. If she needs medical intervention make sure an expert is making the determination.
I do know where you are coming from and that your intentions are not malicious, but our way of thinking is not applicable to other sentient creatures.

If this doesn't say "daddy I trust you" I don't know what would
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HELL NO!! If you want a damn beast for a pet, go get a lion and tell me how that goes. This just pisses me off, why in the hell would you want to put your dog on gear? If you have that much money, then I can send you my address and just send it to me.
I am a dog lover. I just dipped both. Fleas getting bad in november. I hear you guys loud n clear. I was just curious. Onto another subject try this protein shake recipe i came up with a few days ago.
1 banana
1.5 serving oatmeal
4 tbsp liquid egg whites
2 tbsp unsweet cocoa.
1.5 scoop vanilla whey
6 tbsp half n half
2 tbsp pnut butter powder
3/4 water.
I call it peanut buttered brownie!!!!! Goodnight.
P.s. I did shrugs as part of shoulders routine tonight. Do you all hold ur head straight, looking down or looking straight up???

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I am a dog lover. I just dipped both. Fleas getting bad in november. I hear you guys loud n clear. I was just curious. Onto another subject try this protein shake recipe i came up with a few days ago.
1 banana
1.5 serving oatmeal
4 tbsp liquid egg whites
2 tbsp unsweet cocoa.
1.5 scoop vanilla whey
6 tbsp half n half
2 tbsp pnut butter powder
3/4 water.
I call it peanut buttered brownie!!!!! Goodnight.
P.s. I did shrugs as part of shoulders routine tonight. Do you all hold ur head straight, looking down or looking straight up???

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I am glad u thought things through. I don't know what it is about dogs but they have no trouble putting on muscle especially for the breeds, bred to do certain things. U always get a myostatin deficient greyhound. Lol!
Like I said my rat terriers have gained muscle very easy even neutered. What I do is feel them in morning them afternoon. I measure their food start with recommend amounts for that breed and size dog go from there. They require alot of exercise and or built to run and jump. Terriers dig as well. Running swimming does wonders. Running in shallow water or rough or soft terrain and digging. And alot of jumping. These things will work on getting dog Muscular in areas dogs need muscle. Weights aren't needed they are built to run.
I am a dog lover. I just dipped both. Fleas getting bad in november. I hear you guys loud n clear. I was just curious. Onto another subject try this protein shake recipe i came up with a few days ago.
1 banana
1.5 serving oatmeal
4 tbsp liquid egg whites
2 tbsp unsweet cocoa.
1.5 scoop vanilla whey
6 tbsp half n half
2 tbsp pnut butter powder
3/4 water.
I call it peanut buttered brownie!!!!! Goodnight.
P.s. I did shrugs as part of shoulders routine tonight. Do you all hold ur head straight, looking down or looking straight up???

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Brother, I am glad you explained yourself. Why don't you start a new thread about your shakes. May be better off in the long run. My 2 Cents.
following this shit, and still not sure whats what lol, I have two Weiner dogs, "dachshunds" and they are vicious little fuckers and even a drop of steroids would make them likely gnawl my kids arm or some shit