Supplements....what's necessary and what's not?


New member
Okay, I know we have all read about all these great supplements, but are they all really necessary???? Let's get some of our competitive BBers to answer this for us.

What is absolutely necessary (supplement wise)?
I don't compete..... But I will reply anyway....

I agree with pressers, plus I would add Creatine as necessary.... You could live without it.... but I do believe it works.. so I would include it.
nothing from dpsquat, homonunculus, KidRok, DangerousGround, and skip

come on, this could save the rest of us a ton of money

Bcaa (building blocks you need more than whats in the protien)
vitamin/mineral( a must)
fibor supplement( youll thank me on that one)
digestive enzyme( must in prep)
SUPPLEMENTS!! Necessary?

LIKE IT OR NOT>.Supplements are not necessary. Now..dieting...maybe different..but DIET is necessary..

Did YOU see my BUFFET post...EAT at the BUFFET and EAT the Dbol like M&M's and you will be a HUGE boy..if ya need


The bitch of a thread like this is we are going to give conflicting opinions and just confuse everyone. lol

I am not a big believer in aminos outside of regular protein drinks.

I am fast becoming a non-believer of glutamine as I don't think it is absorbed and utilized all that well in the current "oral" state.

Also, I am a big believer in "basics" and keeping things as simple as possible. I like whey and protein blends for protein supplementation as I believe high protein is the way to go.

I believe that a strong micronutrient suplement program is essential to big gains in the offseason and just as important during precontest, as well. Timing is extremely important with micronutrients.

I also believe that you should know your nutrition and gear backwards and forwards. The latter so that you don't have to take anymore than you need.

Ok, ok......
Protein (quality over quantity)
Basic multi vit/min and extra vitamin C
Glutamine (while dieting)
BCAA (while dieting)

vitamin c and e a protien supplement vitamin and mineral supplement and some good fats extra virginolive oil flaxseed and cod liver oil I like. other wise time tested ones that are good for your health.