Sweet progress- but need advice!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Alright, I just dropped 20 lbs in little under a month. Went from 260 down to 240. I've hit 235, but cant seem to keep it down. Most of the weight came off with just diet. I cut my carb intake, but also picked up about 1/2 hour of cardio per day. Im currently on 1g of test and 400mgs of deca. ECA's mostly, but a little t4 and clen here and there.

For the first time in ages, i fit into a pair of 34 inch jeans, right out of the dryer. Now, Id say its a little hard to breath at the momment, and the layer of skin thats hanging over the belt line is not exactly sexy.

All of my lifts are at there peak. Im working on incline bench more than others at the momment. I got 390lbs for 1 rep, and im trying to increase that to 4 plates. Biceps, im trying to lean then up a bit and get the veins to pop. So instead of going heavy, i started doing more reps, with less weight, more negitives. There still 19.5" lost about a 1/2 inch do to the weight drop.

Im asking for some advice. I want to fit back into 34's but whats it going to cost? Do i have to drop down to 220? Thats f-ing small. I like having the big weight, you know like presser... that dude is like 280 and still looks good in his speedos. Right now i have the time to get rid of the flab, cause im laid off... I can fit an hour of cardio in, and still have time for the 3 bitches durning the day. so im sorta wondering if i should give up on the big weight, go for the lean muscle?? Maybe put some weight back on after i stabilize at 220...

what do you guys think???
I honestly do not worry about my weight, but focus more on how I look. Ide bump the cardio up a bit and keep the diet pretty tight. You start to see your waist line go down, and if you start to loose to much muscle then you can figure out if you'd rather have a small waist and decent size or thicker waist and big size. I personally think you can get down to high 220's or low 230's and have the size you want and the waist you want. I just wouldnt focus on the weight, go by the mirror and make your critques from there.
ps- the smaller your waist is the bigger your muscles are going to look. And those are some impressive stats also.
Thanks bigworm. I've always wanted more size more size more size... And ate and ate and ate. But then i woke up one day and im 260, and cant wear any of my 36's, ya, i got that fat!!

Im right there with you on the weight. It doesnt matter. But I think waist size does.

When your out of 34's is it time to cut back???
all on personal preference bro. You see powerlifters sporting size 40 jeans, and are big as hell, but yet you see bodybuilders wearing size 30 jeans. So you just have to figure out what look you'd rather have, IMO I think you could hit the cardio and diet like I said earlier, your weight will go down, as well as your waist, might sacrifice a little muscle, but with your waist being smaller you will give off a bigger look, so it will prob. equal out anyways
I personally would probably lean out, and then build from there, and the next time you bulk, and have to throw on a little fat to build, it wont be as bad to get rid of it when the time comes, because you already know what it takes to get lean. Good luck brotha!
ITs weird. I started working out when i was 12 years old. All the way into my 30's putting more size on was the main goal...

So how much cardio can a person do before it starts to rob from muscle? whats todays experts saying??
kk... I've done em. I dont like running more than a half hour.... I try to push it every time. So, the intensity is there.
I'm w/worm - the mirror is what counts. I try to stay pretty lean now but lift
as hard as I can and always try to go heavier. I was close to what you were and
as I started to loose weight I got weaker. My max bench would get lighter and
I couldn't figure it out until I weighed my self and realized I lost more weight.
I still try to get as big as I can but at the same time try to keep my abs.
Now if I put a little weight on my waist I hate it and loose it pretty quick. You
have to figure out what you want. I dont go for singles and dont do any reps less
then 3 or 4. Like I said, you have to decide what is more important to you.
What I want has changed thru the years - now I am happy w/ a waist I can still
suck in. Keep us posted and remember - Being Normal Sucks!!!!!!!!!
this thread lost me/made me sick once he started talking about how good big presser looks in a speedo, so i dont have anything of value to post
I do cardio a little differently. I am pretty low intensity (shoot for a HR about 130-140)... I feel it is a little easier on the joints and may prevent going so catabolic... I do it 1st thing in the am on an empty stomach... Pretty standard advice, but what i would do is drop carbs a touch more and increase protien a bit too... Maybe add another 50g or so and go down on your carbs about the same... May end up a little bit more ketotic, but slow muscle breakdown with more aminos in the blood... just my $0.02... Bump it!
a gram of test and 400mg of deca/wk isn't really the best "cutting" cycle.
all that test and deca will surely cause some bloat. Might want to get on an AI so you can see more of your dieting results. 5lbs of extra water on you alone from that test I'd say, probably more.