Switching up the IGF Pinning


New member
So after 2 months of pinning preworkout with carbing up I decided to try pinning the muscle group immediately after now. I read a lot of material on how this method can actually retain more IGF in that specific muscle rather than roaming the body looking for additional receptors. Thus enhancing the overall growth. Figured it was worthe a try for a while.

You may not get that big pump in this method, but with so many different combos and additional carbs, I never experienced those crazy pumps anyway. I did feel some and felt fuller after training and the next day. But let's see how this goes. Anyone else pinning post???
i have before, but stick to pre now, and yes theres a lot of good reads out there on why post is better, and it makes a lot of sense, but for me having tried both, i prefer preworkout.
Last time I ran it I only pinned post workout. I was thrilled with the way it kept my muscles full all day. I will be running igf1-lr3 agin in a few weeks. Going to throw it in mid cycle.

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So after 2 months of pinning preworkout with carbing up I decided to try pinning the muscle group immediately after now. I read a lot of material on how this method can actually retain more IGF in that specific muscle rather than roaming the body looking for additional receptors. Thus enhancing the overall growth. Figured it was worthe a try for a while.

You may not get that big pump in this method, but with so many different combos and additional carbs, I never experienced those crazy pumps anyway. I did feel some and felt fuller after training and the next day. But let's see how this goes. Anyone else pinning post???
Do you have a link to the article that made you want to pin post? Also did they go into igf vs igf-1L3, I get why you would do regular igf post, but not so sure on the rationality of a long acting version post. You would thing you would get the best of both worlds doing pre (for the pump) and post you still have the long acting version going to the muscle you just trained.

Curious if the article touched on this.
bump, and ive read numerous articles with solid reasoning for post workout use, but as i stated ive done both and love pre workout hands down. works either way irregardless due to it being long acting
With the articles you read Presser, did you see the info on how the IGF looks for more receptors in the body after leaving the pinned muscle? That was the only thing that stood out. It referenced the intestines having the most receptors.
i have before, but stick to pre now, and yes theres a lot of good reads out there on why post is better, and it makes a lot of sense, but for me having tried both, i prefer preworkout.
Agreed. I've done both as well, and just feel PRE works better for me. But everybody is different, right?
With the articles you read Presser, did you see the info on how the IGF looks for more receptors in the body after leaving the pinned muscle? That was the only thing that stood out. It referenced the intestines having the most receptors.
I have done both and pre workout and post workout.however like you said I have read plenty of research we're like you said a igf looks of receptors to bind to, if there are no receptors available it will bind to your intestines causing a distended belly or in worst case your intestines to grow, and or organs in turn making your heart pump faster which will cause a heart attack eventually. Because of that I switched to 10 MCG pre workout + 50 MCG post workout. If I was you I would try a little of both and see what you like the best. The pumps are sick doing a pre workout I just don't know if it's worth the risk..

the little big guy!!
That's the same info I was reading. I am wondering at what dose and for how long for it to affect your intestines or organs. I know guys been on it here for years. They should comment here. I doubt a run of 8 weeks would cause that unless your doses are crazy high.
Another question in which we should get info on is this question: are there more available receptors AFTER training than before?? Articles stated that the IGF would remain in the pinned muscle more post than pre, therefore making it more effective for growth?
I don't quite remember the exact dosage that I have read about as far as sticking to your intestines, however going off experience in friend experience one of them is ifbb pro that has done the Olympia twice in the last three years, has told me and have seen with my own eyes that usually one stick into the intestines it is because of long usage along with HGH at the same time and not necessarily the 50 to 80mcg of just a igf-lr3.. I highly doubt if you're running a gf by itself before 40 to 60 days, at 50 to 80mcg that you will have to worry about a distended belly from intestine or organ growth however everyone has their own opinion when it comes to this from what I have noticed in my years of reading about it.. I think this time I'm going to try both ways again As I am not to worry about it sticking to my intestines considering I'm only doing 60MCG, for 50 days.. but I do agree there should be more talk about this definitely as far as people's experience..

the little big guy!!
Thanks bro! I agree as well that there should be more personal info here since dosages tend to be all over the chart. I have heard up to 200-300mcgs! Like you said though, I think the duration needs to be long and also the doses high. And if you combo it with GH, then that could be a problem long term. From more of what I read, your receptors are WIDE OPEN after working out in that particular muscle group, so that is where the IGF is going first. Any overflow roams the body? One guy was saying over 120mcg then roams freely in the body and the first stop is the intestines. But like you said, everyone has different opinions. I guess to be safe and reap the benefits of IGF is to cycle it and keep the dosages reasonable POSTworkout.

Actually on a side note, I did read that ONLY IGF creates NEW muscle cells and that you can see results months after usage since those cells are not going anywhere. They continue to grow and become adult cells which therefore translate into more growth. So great news for muscles, but it also stated that it can be doing the same in the intestines or other organs and things may be ok now, but down the line a bit, those cells mature and those areas get larger. Again, different research that's out there, but it does make sense.
I will jump in on this topic. Like it or not this is my answer to the above topic. Stop reading everybody's advice on how or when to use something. EVERYBODY is different and what works for one person might not work for the next. Start low, take your time, learn your body and find out what works best for you.
I will jump in on this topic. Like it or not this is my answer to the above topic. Stop reading everybody's advice on how or when to use something. EVERYBODY is different and what works for one person might not work for the next. Start low, take your time, learn your body and find out what works best for you.
I like it,and your right what might work for one person might not work for the next,and everyone should learn their body.however when you see 12 out of like 15 compete tors at last year's Arnold come out with distended bellies from gh,insulin,or igf-lr3,and there is research to say that igf-lr3 can stick to intestines,organs,and make them grow I just think we should be careful. Supposedly IGF is the only thing that can create new cells in the muscle, and over time they can mature to make the muscle grow in the future. If they can create extra cells in the muscle I'm sure they can create extra cells in intestines and organs too then years down the line have them grow, and mature which would not be a good thing..not saying there is a right or wrong way to do it. were just discussing different ways to see if maybe one is safer than the other. Which is why we are asking for vets or people with experience to put their input in...
I will jump in on this topic. Like it or not this is my answer to the above topic. Stop reading everybody's advice on how or when to use something. EVERYBODY is different and what works for one person might not work for the next. Start low, take your time, learn your body and find out what works best for you.
I like it,and your right what might work for one person might not work for the next,and everyone should learn their body.however when you see 12 out of like 15 compete tors at last year's Arnold come out with distended bellies from gh,insulin,or igf-lr3,and there is research to say that igf-lr3 can stick to intestines and organs,and make them grow I just think we should be careful. im not saying there is a right or wrong way to do it. were just discussing different ways to see if maybe one is safer than the other.

the little big guy!!