go with milk thistle and liv-52 and you'll be fine no need to inject.Unless you want to be a pin cushion lol
sandiego said:
Has anyone used this before? I'm nearing the end (day 17 of 30) of my DBOL "jump start" and wanted to know if you guys think this stuff is a good idea? If so, how much and how often should I be injecting this stuff? Thanks!

Synthergine is just as effective orally. Tons of people use it as their exclusive liver aid and have for years.
You use 1ml per 55lbs of bodyweight, slit in two daily doses.
38532nd said:
go with milk thistle and liv-52 and you'll be fine no need to inject.Unless you want to be a pin cushion lol

Milk thistle's effectiveness is dubious at best and Synthergine shits all over Liv52.
Never used synthergine before as u can tell. I don't know dollars to cents which makes more sense also heard but never used NAC for the liver. Believe it or not the best form for both the kidneys and liver is free Water.
38532nd said:
Believe it or not the best form for both the kidneys and liver is free Water.

For kidneys, yes.

The liver would need much more than water though.
Nothing is ever a complete waste it does serve functions in your body. Research it before you ditch it totally.
sandiego said:
What I’d really like to know is how this stuff actually supports your liver…you know, scientific data? There isn’t an explanation on the website and googleing the ingredients isn’t too fun. Have any ideas? Have there been any controlled tests conducted on people to test these claims?

Even though it's not fun, google the ingredients and you will find what each does and all the studies pertaining to it.
All that Synthergine is, is a combination of the most effective liver protecting chemicals that exist.
1 ml per 55 pounds of bodyweight a day so if you weigh 220 then 4 ml's a day.