Syntherol advice


Hi guys im thinking of running Syntherol from Synthetek on my bis and tris, but I am having trouble figuring out how I am going to reach around one handed and do the shot my self without any help.
Stretch now so you won't cramp up while injecting. Sounds stupid, but I've cramped up many times trying to do shit like this.
I would try to find someone to help, who knows a little about it. Good luck with it.
Triceps isn't that hard. You can prop your arm against the wall in the bathroom so you can see where you need to go in the mirror. Some rest their arm on something like the edge of a bed for support then come underneath.
Have been thinking of running something like this myself to bring up my tri's a lot ... nothing grotesque like you sometimes see on you tube, but its one of the lacking parts i really want sorted.

Havent done any research in to it yet, but its my b'day coming up so am thinking of taking their 'double your order' offer up :)
Here is something i posted on another thread asking about triceps. Hope this helps.

I started typing up a response trying to describe exactly how i was doing mine then thought and realised to was too hard to explain.

Basically hold your left hand (assuming your doing your left tris) over your right shoulder but not resting there, just hovering

From there you are basically doing whats shown in the vid but either blind or reversed if you are in front of a mirror.

Hope this helps (couldn't really do it on myself as it would have been too hard to film so i had to improvise a little and use a prop :P).

P2190002.flv video by j4ckt - Photobucket
Thanks guys, I realy appreciate all your answers . I am keen and more confindent to start this cycle now , knowing that beside all search engine info, I can rely on promt advice from the board members too. Cheers.
Definitely. I should get the bottles in the next few days, By the way, how do I make sure everyghing is kept sterile after each use?

The 2 layer covering the tops will ensure everything remains sterile once you withdraw the needle
as stupid as these people are posting videos of it, youtube is extremely helpful with site injections
I got the bottles of syntherol (quicker than expected) and I am about to start my bis and tris now. In order to keep a nice proportion between my forearms and my bis and tris I was thinking of also doing syntherol on my forearms. Unfortunately i couldn't find any information about other people doing the forearms. Is this alright to do?
If this is possible, i am wondering what size needles i should use. Any advice will be appreciated guys.
I got the bottles of syntherol (quicker than
expected) and I am about to start my bis and tris now. In order to keep a
nice proportion between my forearms and my bis and tris I was thinking of
also doing syntherol on my forearms. Unfortunately i couldn't find any
information about other people doing the forearms. Is this alright to do?

If this is possible, i am wondering what size needles i should use. Any advice will be appreciated guys.

1. Lots of nerves in there.
2. I would imagine it would be quite painful,
3. You would need to be lean enough to see exactly where you are shooting.

I wouldn't want to try it. But if you are intent on doing it then i suggest you research anatomy of the arm
extensively so you know exactly what you are doing.

I would say 30g - the smallest possible that the oil will flow through.

Good luck.


DatBtrue has made a few postings on promuscle regarding Syntherol in the forearms, i think he may have even
done it himself I am not sure, will have a look though.
I got the bottles of syntherol (quicker than expected) and I am about to start my bis and tris now. In order to keep a nice proportion between my forearms and my bis and tris I was thinking of also doing syntherol on my forearms. Unfortunately i couldn't find any information about other people doing the forearms. Is this alright to do?
If this is possible, i am wondering what size needles i should use. Any advice will be appreciated guys.

Here is an article I found on a different board:

"Your skin needs to be paper thin so you can detect where the veins are. Nerves seem to be close to veins.

Only pin in the top third of your forearm. Nerves are concentrated in the 2/3 closest to your hands.

On the inside you have a hunk of muscle. Choose a spot.

On the upper and outside you have cords of muscle. Choose just one. The easiest is the one that wraps over the elbow joint into the upper arm from the outside.

So pin in a place on the inside and in a place on the outside. Do not rotate sites. You will be able to numb up the injected area and over time repeated injections to the area will be pain free. Rotating too far away just increases the chance of hitting a nerve. You will not have scar tissue built up.

Use the 1 inch needle unless you are injecting close to the forearm bone.

EOD pinning is easier then ED so double the dose for each pinning. Work up to 3ml on each side.

Use precise forearm exercises to hit that muscle group.

The next time you do a cycle choose two different spots on the outside and inside. The outside will be a different cord.

After three cycles you will have completely changed the look of your forearms especially as you diet down to very low body fat.

Shave the forearms as it is easier to pin that way.

If you are a meticulous person who pays attention to detail you can easily do this. If you are like most people who cry & bitch about everything then you will easily fail.

Good luck. But really once you get this down it is easy."<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->