Syntherol and Pro's


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
What do you thuink the percentage is, of Pro's using syntherol or any other SEO's?
I never used it but have always been curious. One reason people use it is to stretch the fascia and promote the growth of new muscle tissue. And then there's the tards that use it instead of lifting. Anyone ever use it?
90% ... they just do it right, so we dont notice it as much...

I guess there may be some lesser known pro's that don't use it, but I can't imagine a single top ten guy that doesn't. I've done it once in my calves and it's the only reason I have any tissue down there at all. I'm planning to do it again on a few areas. It's just so expensive and doing calves cripples you for the first few days and be prepared for alot of bruising, pain, and constant need for massage and heat. The bodypart you are applying will also need a couple "pump" sets everyday. It's very hardcore, but very effective. I wish I could use it in my chest, but it's too complicated.
I used it in my arms couple of years ago. Stuff really works.
I guess there may be some lesser known pro's that don't use it, but I can't imagine a single top ten guy that doesn't. I've done it once in my calves and it's the only reason I have any tissue down there at all. I'm planning to do it again on a few areas. It's just so expensive and doing calves cripples you for the first few days and be prepared for alot of bruising, pain, and constant need for massage and heat. The bodypart you are applying will also need a couple "pump" sets everyday. It's very hardcore, but very effective. I wish I could use it in my chest, but it's too complicated.
yeah it is a little pricey, especially if you do all tri and bi heads! The bruising would suck, because im not over-the-top vascular like some people, so vein's would definately get clipped a lot
What do you thuink the percentage is, of Pro's using syntherol or any other SEO's?

good question, i have been wondering this myself lately. seems that a majority of them do.

i remember jay cutler being asked about it and he said he hadn't ever touched the stuff and thought synthol use is stupid. i think jay has a lot of character and therefore he was probably telling the truth. he's been asked about drug use before and spoke candidly about it in the documentary, bigger, stronger, faster. however, i think the interview in which he spoke about synthol predated his Olympia titles so things may have changed since then.

I wish I could use it in my chest, but it's too complicated.

i so completely agree with you there. i wouldn't think about it unless i had a trainer that worked with the pros pinning me personally.
I'm going back a ways but I remember when it first came out guys were using MCT oil. Never heard much about it but have you guys ever heard that?? Again I know less than nothing about SEO's. I wouldnt mind it in my pathetic biceps, always been my worst bodypart by far
I'm going back a ways but I remember when it first came out guys were using MCT oil. Never heard much about it but have you guys ever heard that?? Again I know less than nothing about SEO's. I wouldnt mind it in my pathetic biceps, always been my worst bodypart by far

The only other SEO before Syntherol was Chris Clark's Pump 'n Pose.
Big A's snythol is prob the best out there..I have heard that something new is coming out ..its a thicker substance...that stays in ya longer..its being used in Brazil right now...with the club guys ... you know the wanna be guys...with the funky arms and delts, ect, ect...but its suppose to be coming to the states...