

New member
hey bros i was reading about syntherol just wanted to see if anyone has used it and what they thought about it. and also if it would be good an a cycle or off(pct). thanks fellas.
syntherol is not a hormone its a site enhancement oil. Its used to stretch out the muscle fascia while in an anabolic state so the stretched area can be filled with muscle fibers. do a search about syntherol on here and you will find a post by a guy named Big A and it explains how to use and the protocol to use. Its best used on cycle so your as anabolic as possible.
Dont bother or mess with it. Its good for finishing touches if you know proper protocol, and in my experience with it, its better on lower bf people. Its better on cycle too, imo, for reasons stated above. Huskie, there is no quick magic potion to get big. Proper diet, and lots of hours moving heavy weight, and proper usage of AAS cycles, can improve your physique. Good luck.

Big JC
Dont bother or mess with it. Its good for finishing touches if you know proper protocol, and in my experience with it, its better on lower bf people. Its better on cycle too, imo, for reasons stated above. Huskie, there is no quick magic potion to get big. Proper diet, and lots of hours moving heavy weight, and proper usage of AAS cycles, can improve your physique. Good luck.

Big JC

yup good points bro its gonna take years huskie theres no quick fixes or we would all look like jay cutler all year. and bodybuilding would be a lost art
thanks for the info guys. just did alot of reading on it .it seems like wat happens is your arm fills up with fluid to streach the muscle. now it seems it would have good use if real muscle replaces the fluid after awile. if used properly when could i start seeing differences. and last ? is it permanent?
That is the idea but as was said earlier, there is no easy way to getting big.
The protocol is exact- there is no shortcut to it. I can tell you that is a very good product indeed.
thanks for the info guys. just did alot of reading on it .it seems like wat happens is your arm fills up with fluid to streach the muscle. now it seems it would have good use if real muscle replaces the fluid after awile. if used properly when could i start seeing differences. and last ? is it permanent?

Huskie, what did I say....? You know what, do us a favor, post a single pic of yourself here, any pose you like. Lets see what you are working with. If you have good genetics and decent potential, maybe my advise will change. Otherwise, your posts are semi-ridiculous, you are obviously on a mission, to try and be a big guy. (Maybe you already are, but by reading your posts I doubt it) And no, nothing about SEO's are permanent, you need to do much more research before diving into these decisions. Some of us research over years to decide whether a substance is right for us or not. You are 25 yo? You should have some common sense, and use it.

I am sorry for you being my fall guy here, but your posts annoy me, and it really bothers me that so many ya hoo's are ruining our sport, and making our lives more difficult. Use your head in the future, or I will give you the boot here.

Big JC
syntherol is not a hormone its a site enhancement oil. Its used to stretch out the muscle fascia while in an anabolic state so the stretched area can be filled with muscle fibers. do a search about syntherol on here and you will find a post by a guy named Big A and it explains how to use and the protocol to use. Its best used on cycle so your as anabolic as possible.

thanks for the info guys. just did alot of reading on it .it seems like wat happens is your arm fills up with fluid to streach the muscle. now it seems it would have good use if real muscle replaces the fluid after awile. if used properly when could i start seeing differences. and last ? is it permanent?

lol do you read the replys to your threads?
im like everyone els im looking for any advantage i can get. ur right i am trying to get big quick. but so is everyone whats wrong with that? for the last few years all i have been doing is research on AAS not syntherol. i was intrested in it whats wrong with that? i dident say i was going to go out right now and get the shit lol. sound like u need to back down the mgs alittle brotha. if u dont wanna help dont read the thread. im not dumb far from it im not just going to go sticking shit in my body not knowing what im doing. hence asking for advice. Thanks guys
Synthol or AAS and you're only 25? Just my 2 cents here..but I didn't do my first cycle till i was 26 and I'd went from 165 lbs in middle school to right at 205 lbs all naturally and hard work before I even considered using AAS. How long have you been working out? What type of routine do you use? As Big JC said..there are no shortcuts to getting big. I might not be an expert like some guys here such as Presser, Swole or MMX but I think you should have at least several yrs of serious training under your belt before using any AAS or the like and also be at least 25-30 yrs old since your natural hormone levels are at their peak & don't start to decline till the late 20's. Post a pic and tell us more about your routine and diet and we'll go from there.
Heres my stats i am 5 10 180lbs with low bf%. i have been lifting since i was 15. i played 3 sports all my life. thats over 10 years of working out.i dont know how using Synthol oil turned in to using AAS
I just read this whole thing and yeah huskie2020 they kinda took it to far, but thats how it is sometimes. I dont see the use for synthol unless you are getting ready to do a bodybuilding show. If you are not an active bodybuilder doing shows then their is no need for it, i think. Guys will use it to help enhance a bodypart or two so it looks better on stage. Done right it can work for you, but overdone and you can look like the biggest ass on stage. lol So to answer your first post qestion...No, i have never done it and hope I dont have to. Also as you stand 5'10" 180lbs if you used synthol it most likely would be to noticeable and would look like shit becasue you dont have near enough size for your frame to blend it in. Just keep it simple, and get you some Test and Dbol and grow from there. Hope this helps.
Thanks alot bro. im not going to do it anyway. it is way to many shots lol and id be spending more on that then AAS. and i rather do something i know will work. any ways thanks for all ur help bros.
how low is "low bf"?

I ask because if you're trying to get big and stay at single digit bf, then that is a problem right there. Unless you're a genetic freak, which face it your not and neither are most of the rest of us, then you gotta put on some fat to put on some mass.
i have no idea what my bf% is but it is low prob around 13% but not sure?
when i first started i was 135lbs.that was over a year ago. now im 180. my goal is to get to 220lbs. im prob a year or so away.
we should just post that thread with those jackasses on it, who used it and in the end its getting cut out of them....
dont think big A isnt watching, cause he is....

I've used syntherol before and i dont compete. It works well if you use it correctly.

But ill bump up the thread that im referring to.
dont think big A isnt watching, cause he is....

I've used syntherol before and i dont compete. It works well if you use it correctly.

But ill bump up the thread that im referring to.


Big Brother = Big A imo :laugh: