Tablets vs. Laptops...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I currently have a laptop, but I've been thinking of getting a tablet to replace this thing. Is it as easy to use as a laptop as far as getting on the internet and everything? I've never used one and don't know much about them at all so I will definitely need to look more into them to pick one, but wasn't sure if I should stick to laptops or if I should go with a tablet instead
I think a Lap Top is much much easier to use, ive used my wifes Ipad and my Daughters Galaxy Tab and i have to say its a pain in the ass to type on them unless you get the wireless keyboard with them, and even then it seems weird, so i would personally stick to the LapTop and get yourself an APPLE! I love my wifes Apple, its ten times better then my Toshiba Laptop,
I would agree with that. Tablets are okay to browse now and then, but I prefer by far my MacBook.
laptop all the way..i have both in the house never use the tablet..great for kids to browse on..but other than that i would not bother.
Well that pretty much sums that up. I do want to get some kind of Apple laptop, I know they're expensive and well worth the money, but I havemt checked them out lately. I wish walmart sold them so I could put it on layaway haha
if just browse the internet, see movies, news, chat, with an tablet is enough in the house. it is easy.

but if type too much words, and want to some file of words/excel, laptop is better. Macbook surely great, it is also much expensiver.
Basically all I use the laptop for is to get on here, get on my online banking and a few other websites. I don't watch movies on here, but I will download music to put on my ipod
My fingers are too large to type on a laptop, let alone a tablet. If I use my wife's laptop, I plug a full size keyboard into it.
I currently have a laptop, but I've been thinking of getting a tablet to replace this thing. Is it as easy to use as a laptop as far as getting on the internet and everything? I've never used one and don't know much about them at all so I will definitely need to look more into them to pick one, but wasn't sure if I should stick to laptops or if I should go with a tablet instead

I suggest you get a MacBook Air. The benefits of a laptop & the lightness of a tablet sometimes even lighter.
Whatever you get I suggest you save everything on the cloud or on an iron key.

This way if you loose, or laptop gets stolen or fries you are good. The iron key will protect & encrypt everything not even NSA can break it. It will protect all your searches.

If traveling & I am in public computer I stick my ironkey & that way what I search is private.
Got a samsung galaxy tab 3 and a few lab tops I will say for surfing the net the tablet is faster.