Taking a week off at the gym...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Well, I decided to take a week off from the gym, but not necessarily from working out. MY buddy just got a lot of sand stone blocks that he needs unloaded and moved around. I'd say the average block probably weighs 250 pounds so I decided to take the week off from the gym because I knew if I took care of all these blocks for him, my whole body would be getting a workout. I've unloaded and moved probably around 100 of them so far with only maybe 40 or so left. He's bringing them to me on a flat bed and then I roll them off the flat bed and use a hand cart to place them where ever he wants them. My thinking was right because my whole body is sore from this stuff, I don't know how strongmen training goes, but this is completly different than training in the gym. It's good to get this in because in the heat I'm able to sweat and basically get a full body workout in so I think the week off from the gym was a good idea plus it'll give me a whole new mindset next week. I've been training for 7 months straight so I was due for a week off anyway. How often if ever do you guys take weeks off?
Personally I like to take anywhere week to three weeks depends how burnt out I am, usually its like every three months then take a week off to heal and grow. But 7 months straight, yea I would say your due for a break. But in your case your not really taking a break your still working your body just in a different aspect. So if I was you I would break after your done helping your friend.
Yea, I thought about that. It's not the same as an all out lazy week off, but I'm working more functional muscles now. I like manual labor like this because it keeps everything in check. I mean a lot of people can lift a loaded bar, but lifting things you can't get a good grip on is totally different and requires a lot more strength in other areas. I grew up delivering furniture so that's helped me with grip strength over the years not to mention it helped me build strong legs and back from a young age
Today was my last day off I go back tomorrow for legs. It had been a year since I took a week off. I should prolly do it every six months to keep from getting burned out.
Your working your stabalizer muscles out more moving those blocks and doing work like this, and its always good to take off, i like taking off a full week every few months, i dont go too long without a good break anymore
I try to listen to my body and right now I'm getting mixed signals. I'm rebounding and using insulin and today my weight was up 10lbs over the last time I stepped on a scale and my strength is unreal..... but I'm beginning to feel a bit beat on some training days, but others are just insane. I'm putting on size and strength like never before and getting deep tissue massage every week. I may skip the next 4 days and then continue where I left off. I'm only 4 weeks into my rebound so I figure I've got at least a couple more to go and I'm capitalizing on them!!
I try to listen to my body and right now I'm getting mixed signals. I'm rebounding and using insulin and today my weight was up 10lbs over the last time I stepped on a scale and my strength is unreal..... but I'm beginning to feel a bit beat on some training days, but others are just insane. I'm putting on size and strength like never before and getting deep tissue massage every week. I may skip the next 4 days and then continue where I left off. I'm only 4 weeks into my rebound so I figure I've got at least a couple more to go and I'm capitalizing on them!!

Something is definitely working for you. That's crazy that you're gaining like that, you think it's the slin?
Your working your stabalizer muscles out more moving those blocks and doing work like this, and its always good to take off, i like taking off a full week every few months, i dont go too long without a good break anymore

That's exactly it, that's probably why I'm able to squat and dead so much because I have strong stabilizer muscles from doing this type of work every so often. I've also trained them and done plenty of "clean up" type training to focus on stabilizers and all the small muscles people often forget about
Something is definitely working for you. That's crazy that you're gaining like that, you think it's the slin?

I can notice a big change since adding the insulin. I recover faster, I'm always pumped, I get more pumped opening my car door, all in all I'm just gaining and recovering from my workouts like never before. My weights are skyrocketing.