Taking Clen before cardio in empty stomach....

I have before and I am right now lol! I'm good to go for the entire 30-45 minute session but try I'm pretty shakey afterwards. I look like someone in rehab going through withdrawals. Trying to get food from my plate to my mouth is entertaining to watch I'm sure lol!
I could never tolerate clen...I turn into a jittery mess. Body shaking, even my jaw shakes like I have hypothermia. T3 also makes me feel terrible. I just stick to ECA.
Yeah I get shakey too. It's kind of annoying but a littlle funny at the same time. My traps, neck, and jaws muscle get stiff and I'll get a face/jaw lock up every now and then which is interesting. I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment or not too bright....both probably apply LOL!