tank top or t-shirt

tee shirt.. i wouldnt want to disrespect any of the bigger guys at the gym by wearing a tank top when they all wear long sleeves and 4 layers
Big tee shirt, I don't want too many people in the gym seeing what I look like, good or bad, just competitive really, there's a lot of guys that I compete against and I don't want them seeing any progress
I'm usually in a t-shirt. I would rather use a tank top, but I get a lot of staring when I do.
t shirt with a shoulder cut off underneath

now that its the winter time i wear a sweat shirt over both
mostly a big t shirt. something to mop up the sweat.
If its real hot out and in the gym, I'll wear a tank. But I only own a couple so I rarely wear them.
depends on my mood, and what bodypart im training...some days big oversize t shirts...other days, over size sweater's, some days, cutoff t shirt, then other days, a tank top, but not to often...I always have one on under my t shrit or sweater...
I start with a t-shirt with tank underneath, but take the t-shirt off after I have a good pump going... :bber:
What do you work out in?

Im a t-shirt guy.

t shirt or long sleeve but always have a tank underneath in case I feel like giving the girlies a peak of some hard work.

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The BIGGER I get it is t-shirt for me...People look at you like wat the fuck.. And I'm not a freck yet !!
usually the smaller ones strutting around the gym with barely any shirt at all. My boys that compete, long sleeves and pants ed.

Not all the time but from time to time it's ok to show off how we diet , train, and are dedicated so i say fuck it and strut down the beach shirtless.
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All my workout shirts are cut offs, they were all once short sleeve shirts but i cut them all so they look like tank top shirts, hard to explain as i dont just cut the sleeve off at the seem but i cut closer to the neck line so my traps and shoulders are free to move around when exercising as i hate shit that sticks to you when working out

and when i wear tank tops they are those 50cent style tank tops
All my workout shirts are cut offs, they were all once short sleeve shirts but i cut them all so they look like tank top shirts, hard to explain as i dont just cut the sleeve off at the seem but i cut closer to the neck line so my traps and shoulders are free to move around when exercising as i hate shit that sticks to you when working out

and when i wear tank tops they are those 50cent style tank tops

do you cut if off at the belly button also, or just tie a knot. haha! :satan: