TEEN juiced up

In all honesty bro, I've been training for about a good 6 years. And just this last year I REALLY started to POUND my legs. I used to HATE working out legs, so I always had shitty leg workouts, but finally I manned up and every leg workout I beat them until I just about puked and couldn't walk anymore. Once I did that I started putting on some serious mass and my strength shot up on all my workouts. Need I remind you that I had never done steroids before or during this.

So if you want roid like growth naturally I would seriously recommend decimating your legs every week, don't neglect deadlifts, and continue to pound down the calories. You WILL see greater gains. I was having people coming up and complementing me on my arms, and I hadn't even changed up my arm routine that much, just my legs!

Also, spend a few years (and yes you need YEARS) researching these compounds, what they do in your body, and how to use them. Then in a few years you'll be ready, physically and mentally, to do gear.

my two cents.
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first off i appreciate all the advice yall gave. and heres my routine again lol


i also included that cycle assist+PCT will be used. made by the same company.

if not M-drol how bout H-drol?

I have heard go to your genetic max before trying any PH OR AAS and i will, im just trying to learn now so im ready in the future.
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first off i appreciate all the advice yall gave. and heres my routine again lol


i also included that cycle assist+PCT will be used. made by the same company.

if not M-drol how bout H-drol?

I have heard go to your genetic max before trying any PH OR AAS and i will, im just trying to learn now so im ready in the future.

HA. You said you have been working out a few years and you weigh 160lbs. And by looking at your pics, your no bantamweight height. Go Squat!
I will tell you why not. Because you live with your parents and they wont like it. So if you get busted by them a list of things could happen.

1. you let them down big time, because now their son is involed in a illeagal activity.
2. you lose trust in them
3. They kick you out
4. they call the cops and you snitch.
5. you turn into another young idiot on gear. Like we need more of those.
6. you get major gyno cause you will not take the proper drugs to combat it
7. You will loose all your gains when your done.
8. you will ruin all your shirts from cutting the sleeves off, because you think your big. YOUR NOT!
9. You will start trying to tell others how to do it and get it
10. You dont even train legs. Start there at least.

I could keep going.
Im an ass, I know. LOL!

11. your nuts havent even dropped all the way yet your gonna fuck up your hormones and break your dick you wont even be able to please yourself tugging on a wet noodle (just sayin)
Bro if you think we're being hard on you, go ask this question on another bodybuilding forum. The answers you get here will seem a soft cushy diaper on your fanny compared to the rabid piranhas waiting to "own a newb" on the other boards.
i say try the OTC stuff, at least its legal. you'll probably get gains, but the sides might be pretty bad.

hopefully it will keep you from experimenting further until youre ready.
Im a young guy like you , Im turning 20 this friday "July 2nd"

I graduated weighing 165 not sure of my BF probably 7 but had lb4lb strength records at my highschool

bench - 280
front squat , because I avoided back squat for handclean functionality 320
deadlift - 490x2 with straps.
hangclean 275

EAT CLEAN FOODS , EAT LOTS of food... until your 21-25 please. Ive never done any cycles I accomplished all of my stats from just eating big , lifting hard , and sleeping long , with training on and off but kicked it up in the last 6 months I was at HS.

I bet if you spend your money on just food to eat 4000-6000-8000 calories a day if you can stomach it , of CLEAN foods not worrying about getting fat just eating clean, I believe you will get better results than if you did a cycle....

Just add in some creatine after you get your diet down with mass calories and you will blow up.

bodybuilding is more nutrition and sleep than training , when you eat a huge amount of calories you will believe me.
Cel PCT assist http://www.illpumpyouup.com/competitive-edge-labs/pct-assist.htm

Cel Cycle assist http://www.illpumpyouup.com/competitive-edge-labs/cycle-assist.htm

Ill be on protein+creatine+dextrose throughout the cycle.

Week 1: Pre-Load Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 2: Pre-Load Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 3: H-Drol 50mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 4: H-Drol 75mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 5: H-Drol 75mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 6: H-Drol 75mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 7: H-Drol 75mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 8: Liquid Tamox(Nolvadex) 20mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 9: Liquid Tamox(Nolvadex) 20mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day
Week 10: Liquid Tamox(Nolvadex) 10mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day, PCT Assist
Week 11: Liquid Tamox(Nolvadex) 10mg, Cycle Assist 8 caps per day, PCT Assist
Following Weeks: Finish PCT Assist
POST post cycle: 8 weeks off all hormonals and test boosters

this is my rough draft, please edit it if im missing something. thanks guys
is it me or is the info given here by ALL the vets not being taken seriously by the original poster? some people must learn the hard way.
Thug Motivation,
I suggest you ditch that cycle and spend your money on food. It should save you a couple hundred bucks. If you're dead set on spending money, spend it wisely and hire someone to help you with your diet and training. In addition, read up on the board, ask questions, and search the net constantly to learn more. Just like our banner states, "Train you mind to build your body!" There's a shit ton of truth to that.
is it me or is the info given here by ALL the vets not being taken seriously by the original poster? some people must learn the hard way.

It's like when you were a little kid, and you're parents told you something, and you thought they had no idea what they were talking about. But now that you're all grown up, you realize they were right and think, Damn, if I had just listened to them in the first place I'd be a lot better off.
this isnt the only website i research on. ive been on bb.com and m&s.com nonstop since i was 14. Im loaded with good food and perfect training, Im actually ACE certified and about to get a job being a personal trainer at a local gym. Forget about the diet and training i got that shit locked, I just wanna get the cycle perfect before i order everything.
this isnt the only website i research on. ive been on bb.com and m&s.com nonstop since i was 14. Im loaded with good food and perfect training, Im actually ACE certified and about to get a job being a personal trainer at a local gym. Forget about the diet and training i got that shit locked, I just wanna get the cycle perfect before i order everything.
Then you should know and understand that you still have physical maturing to do, which will produce muscle growth and strength gaining. You're not done growing. You haven't maxed out your full natural potential.
Being a personal trainer doesn't mean jack. I know a few personal trainers that are fat and out of shape. I've seen a personal trainer knock back 4 slices of pizza and three Krispy Kreme donuts while his client was waiting for him to being their session. So that's not really any ammunition for your cause.
bb.com is a bunch a think they know it all kids and idiots. I wouldn't use that site as support for being knowledgeable.
this isnt the only website i research on. ive been on bb.com and m&s.com nonstop since i was 14. Im loaded with good food and perfect training, Im actually ACE certified and about to get a job being a personal trainer at a local gym. Forget about the diet and training i got that shit locked, I just wanna get the cycle perfect before i order everything.

I think I'm done in this thread :rolleyes:...
Kid there are guys in this thread that have been training longer than you have been alive. There are others, myself included, who carry 80 -100lbs of muscle more than you and you aren't listening to anyone!!
You're "loaded with good food and perfect training"?? I was bigger and stronger than you at 15. I don't think this is the site for you.