Tendonitis in the triceps

You guys will not like me for sharing this. I have had triceps issues since 1980. I am 56 now. You see I have always had severe pain in my elbows. Long story short. Here it goes. I was doing flyes and with kinda light weight. Around rep no. 5 as I raised the weight up I felt, and heard, a pop. Immediately released the weight, and the pain was immediately excruciating. My orthopedic was in the gym at the time, lucky me. He took me to his office and shot me up with pain meds and scheduled my surgery. And it was bad. He told me that I had frayed all the tricep tendon off the elbow. He did say there was one strand left behind. So, he got all the tendons together and anchored them with 3 screws. Took several weeks to get my full range of motion back. You see, I had frayed a strand each time I trained heavy and got injured. He said the other tricep will need the surgery eventually. Today, the repaired tricep is doing fine. No pain at all. Training is good, strength is slowly coming back. I have never been overly strong on tri's.