Terri Harris dies 2 day after competing

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Terri Harris died today at a gym in Dallas just 2 days after competing at the Tampa Pro. She died from a heart attack which goes to show just how hard this sport is. The extremes we put our body's through is at times ridiculous. No placing or trophy is worth your health or life. I tried putting a pic of her up, but I can't do it from my phone so maybe someone else can
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It is crazy what "looking" healthy can really do to your body. People think just because you're ripped and peeled that you're automatically in great shape
It is crazy what "looking" healthy can really do to your body. People think just because you're ripped and peeled that you're automatically in great shape
I think BB is hands down the most strenuous sport on the body. To think I would of been able to see her compete if I was still in tampa.
Yep 50 years old and looked awesome even though I'm not big into female bodybuilidng. I can't anything away from her
Lets be real

Terri Harris died today at a gym in Dallas just 2 days after competing at the Tampa Pro. She died from a heart attack which goes to show just how hard this sport is. The extremes we put our body's through is at times ridiculous. No placing or trophy is worth your health or life. I tried putting a pic of her up, but I can't do it from my phone so maybe someone else can
Terri's death had nothing to do with how hard the sport is now lets keep this real and stop playing games here Terri's death came from the abuse of steroid use which gave her a massive heart attack , be true to the people, every body knows that know one can get that size in body building with out the help of steroids no way possible, and those that are in this sport better really start thinking before they take this drug how much u putting your life in danger.
Terri's death had nothing to do with how hard the sport is now lets keep this real and stop playing games here Terri's death came from the abuse of steroid use which gave her a massive heart attack , be true to the people, every body knows that know one can get that size in body building with out the help of steroids no way possible, and those that are in this sport better really start thinking before they take this drug how much u putting your life in danger.

Thats what he meant by "How hard this sport is" he was talking about the drug usage, what did you think he was talking about? how hard she benched killed her, lol. Get real
Terri's death had nothing to do with how hard the sport is now lets keep this real and stop playing games here Terri's death came from the abuse of steroid use which gave her a massive heart attack , be true to the people, every body knows that know one can get that size in body building with out the help of steroids no way possible, and those that are in this sport better really start thinking before they take this drug how much u putting your life in danger.

You were privy to her autopsy report?