I use test Lower than everything except deca. And with deca I can use equal to test with cabar in mix!!!

I knocked it until I tried it, the lower test!! All sides from any other steroid is worse with test higher. Test aromatase is what make sides worse.

With tren and test lower it's amazing I don't wanna kill anybody or myself!! If too much test that is it!! Same with EQ no anxiety with lower test.

Blood pressure higher test!! My bp perfect on tren if i use 525-700 tren ace week and around 300-350 test a week! If I match test with tren or even try test p at 100 a day and tren ace at 50 a day impossible makes me irritable, impatient and jaw clinch with high bp....

I have found that test needed at 200-400 wk max and benifit from other compounds running higher. Other than that of test high i just stick with test. Why I don't just stick with high test??? Because sides too bad with only high test, add something else androgenic and then I am ready to fight and can't even live without littlest thing eating at me!!!

So my option is stacking is to avoid sides of test. Tren is a tool used in cutting or size but higher test sides start. Yes tren makes flat with Lower test, so add in primo or anavar and no more flat and no killing..

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For the op if it takes u that much test TRT I would add something besides test because test isn't working to it's best if it takes that much for u!!

Also I have learned for example, that 700 wk of test is 700 wk of test no matter what!!! We not Gonna over power or counter sides with more test or kill test with anything else!!! Every other steroid with test gives us higher test active from any dose of test!!!

And if reason for stack is to avoid sides from just straight test then benifit from less aromatase compound and run enough test 300 a week plenty with tren. Tren 500 androgenic it's not Gonna be over powered by test at all. Aromatase and estro high alone gives high bp, insomnia and anxiety with the attitude of a woman on rag. High test with tren gives same as woman a week before period estro and progest hormones both on rise that is mood issue they get!!!
I had gave up tren until I tried it at lower test to tren!!!

For me it's simple!!! U wanna bulk test and deca
U wanna cut low test to tren
U wanna confuse a bulk and cut with each other use tren and high test
Tren is a cutting steroid period!!! It's got a way of burning fat and keeping muscle

I see the confusion with wanting a bulk with tren to stay lean!! Lmao!! That is what diet is for.
And a lean bulk.

The best choices out there are slow and more expensive than most willing to pay. They called anavar and primo plus test and lean bulk is happening without more aromatase or sides!! DHB is proving to be awsome but pinning everyday to avoid pip necessary.

The way I honestly can tell u what I learned is this... these are perfect but cost more.
Test needed of course
Primo 525-700wk
Mast 400-700wk
DHB 400-600wk
Anavar 50-75mg a day and real Anavar I can run forever with no issues labs good lipids HDL remain in upper 20s
Proviron 50-75mg a day
And HGH 3-5IU a day 99% purity generics
MT2 tan with no skin cancer!!
IGF lr3
Cialis 5-10mg a day

I don't need nothing else just what's listed!!! With hgh all gear works better!!
That is my honest opinion based on experience. I have changed and it's from those listed!!!
Cost and pinning that is only side and I rather a little pip that goes away after a week from DHB than estro sides and high bp and red blood.

So there is my combos that in my opinion make all other gear not needed unless trying to grow. But if so high test and DHB are producing gaining body transformations for guys getting pro cards....

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Those with a higher sensitivity to progestegenic gyno symptoms I would recommend a very low test amount. Some where in the low TRT zone. My guinea pig experienced extreme bloating and sore nips from anything higher. That was with caber and high dose B6. I found it better to just lower the test way down to maintain boner levels. Others are more tolerant, which ideally is a better situation. Some can run Progestin only compounds without any test and still maintain male function. I hypothesize this is possible due to upregulated Test output from the adrenals. Just a guess though.

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Selective adrenal vein catheterization was done on intact and castrated men with prostatic carcinoma. Adrenal to peripheral venous testosterone gradients were observed in all patients, indicating adrenal production of this hormone. No compensatory adrenal production of testosterone was noted during a 17-month period after orchiectomy. The data suggest that the human adrenal in castrates produces testosterone, which may explain why adrenal ablation can offer palliation in some patients with prostatic carcinoma.