Test E

normalsucks said:
normally im pretty calm. I dont even get worked up when using tren. It could be that i just have a lot of stress in my life right now.

but its kinda weird how all of a sudden I cant control my temper. I've used all the other esters at this level and never had a problem either.
I think you should start doing Yoga... and send me the video
krat7260 said:
The ester should determine the half-life of the substance, not the sides..... correct? A gram of prop/week is = to a gram of cyp/week, is = to a gram of e/week..... no? Anyone have any opinions here?

It actually may be part of the ester that causes some of those sides. We don't really know what those chemicals do to us. Since everyone reacts differently, an ester of a particular AAS at a particular dosage may be one trigger of irritability or some other side. Change one of those things and maybe the side disappears. I'd have to say that from a chemistry standpoint, that 1g of prop, cyp, and ethanate are each going to cause us to react differently, thus they are not equal.
never had a problem with temp on test E... or any test
the time that i have the worst temp is when i'm off cycle :dizzy:
usually run at LEAST 1g of test 1-1.5g/week

depends on how long I'm off for...usually start to kick in around the 2 week mark-how do I know? got a flag pole that won't go down :wave:
today makes 3 weeks on Test E for me.. doin 500mg week and its starting to really kick in... i feel great and the pump in the gym is AmAzInG!! still waiting fo rmy decca and
D-bols to get here... i should have waited till i had everything but of course i didnt.. ohwell... im havin some fun with it so thats all that matters to me!! and the temper deff gets a little worse ive noticed.. i always try to not get mad at things... i still dont i just find it harder to hold back...
njpooldude said:
today makes 3 weeks on Test E for me.. doin 500mg week and its starting to really kick in... i feel great and the pump in the gym is AmAzInG!! still waiting fo rmy decca and
D-bols to get here... i should have waited till i had everything but of course i didnt.. ohwell... im havin some fun with it so thats all that matters to me!! and the temper deff gets a little worse ive noticed.. i always try to not get mad at things... i still dont i just find it harder to hold back...

If your already feelling the test, I wouldn't start running the dbol. Its my opinion and the opinion of many others that Dbol should only be used as a kickstart on a cycle as your waiting for the longer acting esters to kick in. I think it would be ok if you got the deca soon to start running that though. I would just run the test and deca for a week longer depending on when you get your deca. Running deca for any shorter than six weeks would be a waste. If you can't run it with the test for more than six weeks than I would just save it for your next cycle. Also I wouldn't run the deca for any longer than your running the test. One good thing to remember everyone, Is to make sure you have everything you need before starting a cycle. That includes your pct's. I know that some of us get excited when they get that package in the mail and want to start right away, but if you really want to do it right and get the best results you can for your money than you should wait to get everything and plan your cycle out to the fullest before starting. I'm not flaming anyone in any sense, I'm just trying to give some good solid advice.
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