Test Enth/Tren Enth/Mast Enth/EQ


New member
300mg Test Enth or 250mg Test Enth
150mg Tren Enth or 200mg Tren Enth
200mg Mast Enth or 200mg Mast Enth
200mg EQ or 200mg EQ

I wanted know if type of blend would be possible, and if so? I want to use Grapeseed and some Guaiacol Solvent.
well its all in what YOU want not me.


300mg testE
200mg EQ
75mg tren E pinned 2x/week

I dont use tren, due to gyno, and masteron is usually a contest prep thing, or if your already nice and lean. Just my opinion bro
OK I still like the higher doses but how would i get all these to blend, whats the recipe?
im not too sure bro. I know you would do a regular test e 250 recipe, and same with the EQ, but only use 10ml of oil. Im not too sure on the tren though bro
After doing some deep research, I have tweeked my brew

175mg Test Enth
75mg Tren Enth
100mg Masterdon
150mg EQ
Total 500mg per ML
This should leave me some room for oil, have anyone tryed Guaiacol to blend with?