Test Enthanate/Prop as birth control??? Question?


New member
hey guys i have a question on here. I am thinking of running a cycle of Test Enth. and jump it with prop at the first at about 500mg a week. My wife has just quit here birth control because of so many complications. With this shut me down so she will not get pregnant???? Niether of us want a baby yet and I read somewhere that men admist. Test shots was like a 99.9% good for a contreceptive. Is this true??? if so how much Test, how often ? How long does it take to kick in and shut my sperm count down??? I would appreciate is someone would give me the dosages and how long i should wait till we have sex until i was shut down completely?? Thanks so much eveyrone, i love this board!

yeah i think its used in australia for male birth control, and yeah they say 99% but i am not sure how long i would wait into the cycle before you let one go in her,lol, yes that sounded nasty sorry, lmao
No, I would not say that this is a safe form of birth control.

If you want something much safer than use a condom.

I know of quite a few guys that got their gf or wife pregnant this way.

BTW the studies on male birth control included a combination of testosterone and progesterone in certain amounts to achieve shutdown of the testes. Be safe!
200mg a week of enanthate is effective in studies AFTER 1 MONTH. The progesterone is added to decrease the amount of test required. I guess 200mg a week is too much?????

Other AAS, you'll have to be careful with. the 200mg a week was also tested without aromitase inhibitors which will not be to your advantage.
Thanks for the help guys!! I sure as hell dont wanna get the ol lady pregnant. I might just have to get it done the old fashioned way with a rubber. If anyone else knows anything or heard of any studies, let me know!! Thanks
kenn1 said:
Thanks for the help guys!! I sure as hell dont wanna get the ol lady pregnant. I might just have to get it done the old fashioned way with a rubber. If anyone else knows anything or heard of any studies, let me know!! Thanks

I highly recomend that. As far as 200 working, that might depend on the person, my boy got his girl pregnant 3 months into a 1g of test cycle.
No, this is not a good form of birth control. Though I am on hormone replacement, I still have a count. A normal man has 300 million little guys, and at my last test (my wife and I would like to have kids so I had a test done) my count was 3 million (and this is after five years). My doc said that I'm still "dangerous" though the chance for getting pregnant is lower. If you don't want any unwanted pregnancy, you're going to have to get used to using a condom.
BiggerStronger said:
No, I would not say that this is a safe form of birth control.

If you want something much safer than use a condom.

I know of quite a few guys that got their gf or wife pregnant this way.

BTW the studies on male birth control included a combination of testosterone and progesterone in certain amounts to achieve shutdown of the testes. Be safe!
agreed. don't rely on your gear as a birth control method...you might as well use the "pull out" method:D
Not a good form of BC. A friend of mine fathered three boys on gear. He never comes off. The sperm count is lowered while on gear but it only takes one sperm to get the point across.