test levels


New member
In my past i had my fun. Its been a year since my last cycle but my problem know is that my test levels our so low as is my sex drive. my wife would like to have a baby soon but my levels are so low who knows if i can get her pregnant. I took the proper step after my last cycle but now i need a qiuk fix. Any over the counter products to cure this? would a test booster help or hurt? Any help would be helpfull...
How were your levels prior to that cycle that you mentioned? A year later should be more than enough time. What was your cycle exactly (doses, length, drug(s))? And what did you do for post cycle?

Taking test at this point would probably hurt. I'm fairly certain any type of 1-test or anything like that would hurt too.
500 of test e, hmmm. Unless you ran to for a year long, 500 shouldn't have been that bad on you. Did you have low test levels to begin? Also, how old are you?

To be honest I'm not going to have a great answer for you, but in answering these questions someone here will, I'm certain.
Even if your test levels are low, chances are, you'll have no problem getting your wife pregnant. You do need test for healthy sperm, but you've been on a cycle which stopped production. Being a year off now, your production is probably back up. If you did supplement with extra test now, you would not want to go above 150-200mg every TWO weeks. More than that will lower your production of sperm again and hinder your chances of having a baby.
There are plenty of guys with a simular problem, reguardless if they've used gear or not. Getting a woman pregnant is not always easy, except for my baby's momma... f-ing hoe.

So, I guess what im saying is most likely dosent have anything to do with the gear.
I know a ton of guys who got their wives pregnant while on cycle and all was perfectly fine. I think being on test gives you the drive to do what needs to be done! Test at about 400 per week would definately get you going and make things happen. Your natural test should have returned to its normal level long ago. Maybe there are other factors in the way you have been feeling. Maybe your test is naturally low (like mine is) and it stays that way unless you do HRT. I stay on test year-round because without it I will feel just go back to the way I felt before. This was all determined by blood work and experimentation with various levels of test with my doc. I say add some test at least to get some lead in your pencil.
Not to disourage ya mikeyp but i been trying for a kid for about a year now no luck and i was clean for a year, so i said fuck it bought a dog and got back on gear,lol, i know it sounds like im being funny but its a true story dog and all,lol
If you have been on for a long time, it may actually take longer than a year for your system to go back to normal. Sperm levels stay depressed for a long time after prolonged AAS usage. After being on HRT for six years, I had a count done, and I was at 3 million. "Still dangerous" as my doctor put it, but considering other factors besides a low count, I would have a hard time having children. It can still happen, but you have to count on luck more than anything else.