Test only cycles?


Gold Member
What do you guys think about test only cycles? I was dreaming about a 15 week cycle of Test E @ 750mg-1g EW. This would be for a guy that has been off of everything for close to a year.
I agree fonz...the more complicated a cycle gets the more burnt out I get from doing it. Poking yourself ED or EOD with 2.5-3ml's isn't too fun. lol.
Test onlys are the bomb. Simple & effective. Maybe throw in an oral because waiting a few weeks for the Test to get going kinda sux for me. lol
I'm the biggest advocate for test-only cycles. Nice and simple, cheap and can be. Perfect for someone just getting back into it.

Femara is going to be a MUST, you know that tho.
Lunchbox5424 said:
Test onlys are the bomb. Simple & effective. Maybe throw in an oral because waiting a few weeks for the Test to get going kinda sux for me. lol

Or just go with some Suspension or Prop.
I think if you don't mind waiting for it to kick in, you'd be just fine doing 750mg-1gm /wk of test having been off for a year. Personally, I believe it doesn't take so long to kick in (as others say) for everyone. IMO, if it isn't your first cycle, your body will respond to it quickly.
ive been running test only for a long time. Yes it is easy and yes you do make gains. However i dont make near the gains like i do on test and an anabolic like EQ. nor ami as hard as i am on test and something like winny or masteron. I think test is a must for every cycle. I just feel that if you going to do a true cycle u might be better served throwing something else in. JUst my .o2 though
Agree........test cycles are great and so cheap if using vet goodies.......only trouble may bloat more when on just test. My favorite is 300 -400 cype, 250-300 eth and prop 150 twice a week never try to close too close to 1g. I feel any more then this is a waist. Would not go more then 12-16 weeks then tapper down and go off for maybe 3- weeks to month. then hit back up with ball or A-bombs 2 weeks and go into a regular stack with EQ, Deca ....ect...........only my to pennies
Ooooooo, that is a winner. Test and tren is a great one. Thats what i'm doing now and I'm luving it. Been gaining weight and at the same time dropping bf%. Def a big fan of tren.
I have yet to try tren enth but look forward to seein the diff,i have heard there is a noticable diff besides only having to inject 2Xweek. I have heard its stronger.
i envy u bastards!!!! LMAO!! tren gives me gyno like no other. i dont have to run anti e's most of the time with anything else. but if i touch tren i lactate like a new mother :(
I am afraid to try tren because I am a bit of an asshole off cycle and I work in a customer service related job (I have to be nice to people). I would love to know if there is any chance that I won't get really edgy and irritated if I take it?
BiggerStronger said:
there's always a chance, but it's been known to make people slightly edgy.

yep, I tend to fight the photocopier in the office when on tren......that little bastard knows how to push my buttons. 'PC load letter..... what the fuck does that mean?'
I like mixing it up a bit because you can use lower doses of a couple drugs and have fewer sides (test gives me acne).

Tren rocks. I have not really found any anger issues with Tren. Then again, I am pushing 40 pretty hard and I don't get riled up as easily as I once did. But the gains in strenght were fantastic.
brew said:
yep, I tend to fight the photocopier in the office when on tren......that little bastard knows how to push my buttons. 'PC load letter..... what the fuck does that mean?'

I'm picturing Office Space right now. LOL!!! but I hear you bro, the mouse always gets me going, when I push it and the cursur goes the other way. That sh*t pisses me off.