Test Prop Question


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Gold Member
I am currently running 500 mg/wk of Test Cyp. When I run out of Cyp, I am going to switch over to Test Prop. Assuming I pin everyday, what dosage should I take to maintain the same level of test as 500 mg/wk of Test Cyp?
Yup, same here. If you're lookin at running something similar to 500/wk of cyp, try about 150/eod of the prop. It's a bit more, but that's good right? Haha
Thanks guys. I was figuring somewhere around 100 mg/day, but I wanted to get some opinions.
There's more free hormone in prop compared to cyp due to the ester weights. Therefore about 425mg prop = 500mg cyp in terms of free hormone. However longer esters tend to allow for sustained conversion to E2 which may increase weight gain. Overall its probably a wash but prop is more free hormone.

Hey Beast, how many mgs is ur prop? I run mine about four times a week at 100 mgs
Presser: I plan on starting the prop in September.

heavyiron: Great info. Welcome to the board. We are lucky to have you here. I have enjoyed your very knowledgeable posts on other boards regarding prohormones, designer steroids, AAS, etc.

eswol: Prop is 100 mg/ml, and I will be pinnning 100 mg/day. I will be stacking with 600-800 mg/wk of deca. If I have ED problems with the deca, I will switch to EQ.
Presser: I plan on starting the prop in September.

heavyiron: Great info. Welcome to the board. We are lucky to have you here. I have enjoyed your very knowledgeable posts on other boards regarding prohormones, designer steroids, AAS, etc.

eswol: Prop is 100 mg/ml, and I will be pinnning 100 mg/day. I will be stacking with 600-800 mg/wk of deca. If I have ED problems with the deca, I will switch to EQ.

Ed problems lol that makes my cringe brutha lol
Presser: I plan on starting the prop in September.

heavyiron: Great info. Welcome to the board. We are lucky to have you here. I have enjoyed your very knowledgeable posts on other boards regarding prohormones, designer steroids, AAS, etc.

eswol: Prop is 100 mg/ml, and I will be pinnning 100 mg/day. I will be stacking with 600-800 mg/wk of deca. If I have ED problems with the deca, I will switch to EQ.

Thank you for the kind words brother!