Test suspension


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Okay maybe it's the syringes I got maybe it's something else I don't know but I just I just use a little bit of test and I have suspension I know that's everyday shots and I'm looking forward to it but I need a fix I guess you could say anyway you got 25 gauge needles there some kind of Sherlock or some shit, never used these kind before,

It'll draw in the stuff really easily right? And if I press on the plunger and it squirted out but once I put it into my arm I shoot in the delts it won't move the plunger is just stuck no matter how much I push it won't go what the hell is going on I've never had this problem before ever
First time using suspension? Is it oil or water based? Since testosterone is a hydrophobic steroid hormone, water based suspension will sometimes clog up the syringe because it doesn't readily suspend in water. If it is oil based it could just be particulate matter of a less than perfect suspension.

Long and short of it is, either way, turn on the tap to as hot as possible, draw the suspension, then hold the barrel under the hot water and roll it back and forth until it's good and evenly heated. Inject while it's still warm and you should be gold.

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I shake mine up real good I run hot water I clean area with alcohol to pin
I draw and put under hot running water the body only at 45 degree angle with pin out and clear of water.
I heat it up like this.
Once it hits air in tip it wants to stop up.
Heating helps.
I hurry and pin.
I use mine with 22,25,27ga pins 1/2-3/4" long.
If it wants to stop up too much use bigger ga but I been using mine time to time drawing with 22 pinning in delt with 1/2" 27 ga
Push hard it it plugs.
I have 1ml syringe I use with push on 27 ga slip I have no trouble with mine but u gotta be prepared and hustle
Winny in water at 100 mg is same way
My test suspension is 125 mg per ml!!!

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First time yes, water suspension.

It was a BITCH to push it, is it just placebo or did it kick in 1st injection within an hour, bc I had a wicked pump that felt like test does in any other ester. Pump, intensity focus. I felt grewt either way.

(I am adding test P tomorrow and doing test p mon/wed/fri and test s before each w.o probably 50mg.

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Can I put test p in with test s? Cuz, i knoe water and oil dont mix, but can they be shot in one pin?
First time yes, water suspension.

It was a BITCH to push it, is it just placebo or did it kick in 1st injection within an hour, bc I had a wicked pump that felt like test does in any other ester. Pump, intensity focus. I felt grewt either way.

(I am adding test P tomorrow and doing test p mon/wed/fri and test s before each w.o probably 50mg.
I use 60 to 100 mg pre workout 20 minutes before.
It's elevated then down and gone in a few hours.
It even works good before sex or powerlifting. Don't know dose for that 60 mg on top of what I already have in esters is plenty for me!

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When drawing it...draw in and out several times(breaking up the crystals)I'd do 3-5x before I pull how much I want....then I keep it moving(twisting the shringe in a circular motion...to keep it suspended)...then when I'm ready to go...BAM and its in like flint even with a 27g

The second You let it sit and crystals are no longer suspended...You're asking for a clog
What do you guess do to shoot ED? Like I am used to 3x a week at most. Unless you talk about igf 1 or something but it, to me isnt hard to shoot slin pins but Idk if I can shoot susp in a slin 25 was hard enough lmao, plus into bis tris and traps idk bout that... any suggestions?
What do you guess do to shoot ED? Like I am used to 3x a week at most. Unless you talk about igf 1 or something but it, to me isnt hard to shoot slin pins but Idk if I can shoot susp in a slin 25 was hard enough lmao, plus into bis tris and traps idk bout that... any suggestions?
If I'm doing ED pins I rotate through each side of glutes, each side of ventroglutes, each side for delts, and each side of lats. That gives me eight spots to pin so I never use a spot sooner than a week. The main problem for you that I see is having both water and oil based which leads to more pins, but to counter that I would just incorporate tris and need to pin a spot a little sooner than anticipated.

As for using a slin pin, the smaller the barrel of the pin, the less force you need to exert to push fluid out. There a whole fucking equation for it pertaining to the physics behind it but it boils down to this: it is easier to push fluid through a 50cc slin pin than it is to push through a 3ml syringe. If you do the above practices of heating the barrel, not waiting too long to pin from draw, then you should be just fine.

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What do you guess do to shoot ED? Like I am used to 3x a week at most. Unless you talk about igf 1 or something but it, to me isnt hard to shoot slin pins but Idk if I can shoot susp in a slin 25 was hard enough lmao, plus into bis tris and traps idk bout that... any suggestions?
I am using my prop, ace, and mast prop everyday.
I do outer glutes and lower outer thighs
That is it.
With suspension I do delts and top of tricep soft area in back of arm at top right under shoulder and that is it!!!

Water based suspension always gave me a painful ball or knot going deep into muscles like glutes, thigh, or hip (veno)

For what ever reason I have no problems like above.
I have big knots on glute from years of pinning there is always a depot there.
The depot always falls down after a day or two like 1-2" so believe it or not u can still hit same spot just hold other hand and push depot knot out way or make sure u don't hit it and u good!
If u hit it for me it's just really hard to push plunger! Lol

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Heating it made a huge fuckin' difference thanks yall!

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I did test suspension one time and it set me on fire. That was enough for me.

It does have a burn to the shot no doubt. I am shooting prop and suspension. I figure depending on how this goes maybe tren suspension ��

But I should probably use normal tren first.
The pip is the worst I ever had. I thought prop was bad. Fuck suspension is the worst pip so far I ever had.
Bring I am on tren right now I low prop I had little situation that I couldn't cum had to give up. First time this whole blast since February.
I loaded 65 mg of test suspension and it was all good within
An hour unlike night before!

Through 27 ga it was jammed up the whole time not wanting to push. Lol
Delt raised the whole time as it was being slowly pushed so hard to get through

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Are you tensing your arm up, or shooting into scar tissue? That will impede being able to push it in easily. If you can depress the plunger before insertion and it easily comes out, chances are that's what it is. I've had that same issue, and just relaxing or pinning in another spot made a world of difference.

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The pip is the worst I ever had. I thought prop was bad. Fuck suspension is the worst pip so far I ever had.

What lab makes it? I've noticed that makes a difference too.
Are you tensing your arm up, or shooting into scar tissue? That will impede being able to push it in easily. If you can depress the plunger before insertion and it easily comes out, chances are that's what it is. I've had that same issue, and just relaxing or pinning in another spot made a world of difference.

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What lab makes it? I've noticed that makes a difference too.
I was prolly in scar tissue because I put more in just to squirt out before poking!
1ml pin with slip on is a beech too! Lol!

Leather u jinxed me bro, I had the worst burn from throat into my chest this morning followed by a cough!
I get the throat burn alot but it was more intense and surrounded chest area that made me cough! Dammit!

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Are you tensing your arm up, or shooting into scar tissue? That will impede being able to push it in easily. If you can depress the plunger before insertion and it easily comes out, chances are that's what it is. I've had that same issue, and just relaxing or pinning in another spot made a world of difference.

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What lab makes it? I've noticed that makes a difference too.

I injected into my glute definitely scar tissue there. I used it a lot before branching out to my delt. I've only done quad and thigh injections once or twice so there's little to no scar tissue I would almost guarantee I don't like shooting there it doesn't feel right maybe I'm not doing it right I don't know just doesn't feel right to me so I won't do it anyway I use the glute a lot like a lot so there's more than likely a significant amount of scar tissue there I wish there was a better way to minimize scar tissue I don't know how some people shoot for 40 years
I injected into my glute definitely scar tissue there. I used it a lot before branching out to my delt. I've only done quad and thigh injections once or twice so there's little to no scar tissue I would almost guarantee I don't like shooting there it doesn't feel right maybe I'm not doing it right I don't know just doesn't feel right to me so I won't do it anyway I use the glute a lot like a lot so there's more than likely a significant amount of scar tissue there I wish there was a better way to minimize scar tissue I don't know how some people shoot for 40 years
I use a slin pin for everything. Sure it takes longer to draw but I figured the smaller the stick, the less scar tissue.

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Been there with slins haha. I backloaded them witj trestalone Ace nice compound btw. It's a lot like test suspensiom only a lot wetter.

I am unsure how well test s will shoot thru a slin pin. He was it for you my test s seems pretty well Blended like I don't see any clumps or anything