test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

Mr. Bigs

New member
This will be my 3rd cycle but the first time using tren.

weeks 1-15 test e @ 500mg/week -- tren e @ 400mg/week

weeks 1-5 t-bol @ 50 mg/day -- test p 100mg/eod

weeks 12-17 winny tabs @ 60mg/day

weeks 15-17 test prop @ 100mg/eod

pct will be nolva 20mg ed for 4 weeks

This is what i am thinking so far. Any thoughts or suggestios would be great.

What are some thoughts on using something like bromo to combat progesterone and a-dex for estrogen sides.
Bro you are short changing yourself BIG BIG time if you dont incorporate the winny in the beginnig along with the prop and tren, the trio together makes for an unreal stack, saving the winny until weeks 12-17 is a waist brutha!
and I think the 2 ancillaries you mentioned would be fine to use to comabt E & P
I was thinking that but I figured I would throw in the winny when the longer estered ttest and tren are fully kicked in. What about the tbol....scratch it or take with winny or throw in the end?
Thanks presser.... I will include them. Should I take them throught the cycle or wait til week 4 or so when everything kicks in?
Thanks presser.... I will include them. Should I take them throught the cycle or wait til week 4 or so when everything kicks in?

well i would ditch the tbol altogether, i mean the only reason i would use dbol is to jump start my cycle but with the prop,tren and winny to start off with you will not need that jump start at all, by end of week two you will feel it and see it from those 3 compounds so i would save the dbol for another time, or send them to me,lol
So are you saying that the tren enanthate will kick in rite away? The only reason I had the tbol in there was for that reason to front load while the test e and tren e build up. But I will scratch it if that's the case...like I said this will be my first time with tren.
So are you saying that the tren enanthate will kick in rite away? The only reason I had the tbol in there was for that reason to front load while the test e and tren e build up. But I will scratch it if that's the case...like I said this will be my first time with tren.

well you posted that you would also be running test p week 1-5 so there is a jump start along with the winny hitting you right away and as far as the tren i thought it was tren ace but even so i still say the prop week 1-5 and the winny in the beginning is the way to go and i personaly dont think there is any reason for the dbol

as for tren e im not certain of its half life
well you posted that you would also be running test p week 1-5 so there is a jump start along with the winny hitting you right away and as far as the tren i thought it was tren ace but even so i still say the prop week 1-5 and the winny in the beginning is the way to go and i personaly dont think there is any reason for the dbol

as for tren e im not certain of its half life

I agree, the prop is going to give you a good jump start, so the need for the d-bol isnt needed, not to mention running such a combo will yeild good Lean mass gains, so no need to spill over with water from the d-bol (dnt forget summer is right around the corner)

as for some pct, dnt forget to check the muscle chem store for good acc.
thanks for the input guys...i will throw the winny in the beginning

flex i got ur pm...thanks

i just wonder if there is anyone with some experience with the tren enan that could tell me if it kicks in rite away or if it takes 4 or 5 weeks like the test enan. this will help me determine when i should throw in the winny.....rite at the beginning or wait til say week 4 or 5.
ok so based on what ive heard its going to look like this...

weeks 1-15 test e @ 500mg/week -- tren e @ 400mg/week

weeks 4-9 winny tabs @ 60mg/day

weeks 15-17 test prop @ 100mg/eod

When would be a good time to start running bromo and adex?
ok so based on what ive heard its going to look like this...

weeks 1-15 test e @ 500mg/week -- tren e @ 400mg/week

weeks 4-9 winny tabs @ 60mg/day

weeks 15-17 test prop @ 100mg/eod

When would be a good time to start running bromo and adex?

ok well i quit! lol, you got rid of the dbol and hanged it all arond so now there is no jump start without the dbol with the prop, the cycle as youhave it will work quite well no doubt about it, but your prop and winny are timed out wrong in my humblest of humble opinion,lol,