Testosterone and trying to conceive


New member
Whats yor take on using Test and trying to conceive a baby.

Using test shrinks your nuts due to the fact your are not producing test naturally

does this effect sperm amount and quality?

Your sex drive is much higher on test, would that increase the amount and quality of sperm?
I have a 2 year old daughter, we got pregnant not trying after a miscarriage a year before. I was on heavy test cycle and had been. My nuts were drawn up big time LOL . . testicular atrophy i guess i should say? anyway she was healthy and is beautiful sweet and never been trouble. no mustache, beard or muscles :) seriously tho we was not even trying and she had just came off birth control and boom. That easy!
i read an article once by dave polumbo, on this subject, he was saying somthing about aas not effecting quality or quanity but rather just the actual production of natural testosterone. if thats a 100% acurate i dont know.

a buddy of mine too, had two kids from two diffrent girls, both pregnant at the same time, and he was full blown on aas. sucked for him with all the drama he caused him self though.
it 100% has a negative impact on your sperm count and trying to concieve! Exogenous testosterone will shut down Natural production thus shutting down sperm production, thats why in europe they use steroids as a male contraceptive.

I go this Friday to our fertility doctor to have my sperm count checked and i have been off for months now , so im hoping my natural test has started to come back along with my sperm production.

And the longer you were on the worse ur shutdown and it can possibly get to the point of PERMANENT shutdown!
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it 100% has a negative impact on your sperm count and trying to concieve! Exogenous testosterone will shut down Natural production thus shutting down sperm production, thats why in europe they use steroids as a male contraceptive.

I go this Friday to our fertility doctor to have my sperm count checked and i have been off for months now , so im hoping my natural test has started to come back along with my sperm production.

And the longer you were on the worse ur shutdown and it can possibly get to the point of PERMANENT shutdown!

I never knew any of this, but I guess it's logical since you are shutting down natural test, I've just known quite a few guys who have knocked up their girls while on so I guess they just had great swimmers left in them
my 1 friend was on for like 5 years straight than got off for a couple years and had kids, acouple years off though??? Murr...
I never knew any of this, but I guess it's logical since you are shutting down natural test, I've just known quite a few guys who have knocked up their girls while on so I guess they just had great swimmers left in them

it happens but its rare and for guys who are heavy into cycling with longer durations they aint knocking anybody up,lol. Whens the last time you EVER seen a bigtime bodybuilder talk about his new born baby,lmao, never ever lol

Ive been bare backing into my wife for 11 years with out any luck, and now that were trying to concieve it aint fucking happenning, i knew this day would come and now im off and still having a problem getting her pregnant unfortunatly
it happens but its rare and for guys who are heavy into cycling with longer durations they aint knocking anybody up,lol. Whens the last time you EVER seen a bigtime bodybuilder talk about his new born baby,lmao, never ever lol

Ive been bare backing into my wife for 11 years with out any luck, and now that were trying to concieve it aint fucking happenning, i knew this day would come and now im off and still having a problem getting her pregnant unfortunatly

That sucks man, hopefully things work out for you guys...I, on the other hand, would not be happy to knock anyone up at this point lol
my 1 friend was on for like 5 years straight than got off for a couple years and had kids, acouple years off though??? Murr...

man i hope it doesnt take me that long,!!! I know a guy who said it took him a year, and i hope that it doesnt take me that long either

then again i have a buddy who is brothers with the guy who took a year and this guy got off took hcg and got his girl pregnant within months, so im hoping thats more like my case, but like i said i will know this friday how many if any sperm i have and it wont take many cause were doing invitro so i just need 1 lol
man i hope it doesnt take me that long,!!! I know a guy who said it took him a year, and i hope that it doesnt take me that long either

then again i have a buddy who is brothers with the guy who took a year and this guy got off took hcg and got his girl pregnant within months, so im hoping thats more like my case, but like i said i will know this friday how many if any sperm i have and it wont take many cause were doing invitro so i just need 1 lol

I'm sure you'll be able to muster up 1 in the next few months, but who knows, shit is weird some times.
man i hope it doesnt take me that long,!!! I know a guy who said it took him a year, and i hope that it doesnt take me that long either

then again i have a buddy who is brothers with the guy who took a year and this guy got off took hcg and got his girl pregnant within months, so im hoping thats more like my case, but like i said i will know this friday how many if any sperm i have and it wont take many cause were doing invitro so i just need 1 lol

yeah im scared about all that too, Im wondering if the 1 clomid a week really helps
I been on about 5 months a year for the last 6 years and do hcg and clomid after all my cycles and I got two little ones running around... I do believe the hcg is the trick
I'm gonna have to disagree with Presser, as I run my HCG protocol quite differently.

I run HCG throughout the cycle, once the test has kicked in and is at elevated levels of course. It is nothing like the doses that individuals who use it during PCT use. I mean, I commonly use 500IU HCG weekly while cycling ~1g test and a myriad of other compounds.

It has never steered me wrong and I have always recovered VERY rapidly from all of my cycles.

If you'd like to know about dosage protocols involved in testicular atrophy prevention, as opposed to treatment after the fact, please don't hesitate to ask.