Testosterone SubQ injects.

I posted this one this site in a thread.People and look back on my posts,it was done with a Doctor on Toronto Canada .I do all my shot Sub Q.There isn't any veins,no blood circulation in there so no chance of infection,if you sterile the Injection site proper.
I posted this one this site in a thread.People and look back on my posts,it was done with a Doctor on Toronto Canada .I do all my shot Sub Q.There isn't any veins,no blood circulation in there so no chance of infection,if you sterile the Injection site proper.

Sorry Tony didnt see it ill look it up and post a link to bring the two together.
i do it when injecting test base. but i think prop for instance would be painful... ???
injecting anything oil based into your subq fat is not good especialy for someone lean or someone trying to get lean, its like injecting fat into fat just cant be good,lol
injecting anything oil based into your subq fat is not good especialy for someone lean or someone trying to get lean, its like injecting fat into fat just cant be good,lol

these experiments were mainly for a cruise dose or Hrt. If your that lean then you are probably prepping for a show or running many different drugs. Yeah injecting 6cc's a day into your fat wouldnt be the best thing in the world. Injecting 1 or 2 cc's a week into it however is practiced by many doctors out there as well. Keeps blood levels very stable, even more so at times then IM. Low chance of injection and just easier to inject then IM.
these experiments were mainly for a cruise dose or Hrt. If your that lean then you are probably prepping for a show or running many different drugs. Yeah injecting 6cc's a day into your fat wouldnt be the best thing in the world. Injecting 1 or 2 cc's a week into it however is practiced by many doctors out there as well. Keeps blood levels very stable, even more so at times then IM. Low chance of injection and just easier to inject then IM.

bro thats a new one on me,lol. I have never ever heard of a doctor injecting oil suspended steroids subq it just doesnt make any sense to inject oil into your fat for any bodybuilder , now hrt people maybe but this practice has absolutly no place in bodybuilding
i'm wondering how this would work with test suspension?.....because i'm in alot of f'n pain doing it IM inj with it right now and have another bottle to finish before i switch to sustaplex/trenaplex a again
i'm wondering how this would work with test suspension?.....because i'm in alot of f'n pain doing it IM inj with it right now and have another bottle to finish before i switch to sustaplex/trenaplex a again

that would be interesting havent read anything on suspension based products. Norm said he did test base which is as strong or worse then Susp. i would think. So it should work fine but i cant say. Guinea pig? ;) lol