I take undecaonate testocaps for TRT, so i'm not on a huge dose. I only go through 1 box per fortnight of 60 - 40mg caps, approx 160-200mgs p/day, (i could easily double that but i need to make them last & can't give blood work with test levels that high).
Maybe because i was living with low test levels for i don't know how long & i wasn't making gains easily at all, i just thought that was normal for a natty, especially because i'm getting older.
I have heard of many others that have tried a cycle or 2 on Andriols & they say they either didn't get enough or it costs too much or they lose gains after coming off etc...
Firstly, i think a lot of these people haven't really had enough personal experience with it, also maybe not taking it on full stomachs which is basically a must for proper absorption. Also, coming off a cycle of most roids you will lose some gains. I suppose i'm lucky in a way that i'll never have to come off & if these started not working for me, there's other drugs/options i can choose. I'm not really looking for the roid affect but i do hope to get some kind of 'edge' & i'm positive that i am getting some gains from them. I'm not against taking roids, (orals or injectable doesn't bother me). I've done a few cycles over the years but nothing too major & nothing i stayed on for more than a few months, the only reason i haven't been on anything & not taking more now is basically the money!
In Australia, Andriols used to be on a 'Government Prescription Benefits scheme', so they were only $6.00 a box which was great. Now they have been taken off & i pay nearly $40.00 & i'm not rich, i'm on a budget!
I'm not like a young 20 yr old & going to f#@k my future life up. I'm 40 & have done a few different cycles & roids over the years. I've never competed or even trained religiously, i enjoy working out & don't want to wreck that enjoyment by competing.
1 more thing... i never take what i read in a forum as being gospel facts & truths but i do ask people for their opinions or advice & then go & research or try to learn more about whatever someone might say. So, i'm asking if anyone knows much about TRT & knows of another type of drug that may be a better option that i could ask my doc about. I know about Sustanon, that's pretty old school & i'm sure their must be other & maybe better ones out their now.
Sorry for the long Novel, just look at it like freshening up on your reading skills lol.