Thank god my natural test level is back!


New member
while i was on test i was very horny, i could do it 4 times a day.
i have been off for a few months now i am finally normal shit beyond morning. i woke up at five today and its 12 in the afternoon and i have done it 5 times already. i dont think i am taking anything to fuck up my levels again for a while.
smart move, bro! If I had natural levels like that I'd never juice! Nothing like free test from your own body! Nothing like being 19, either, lol
good thinking, your too young to juice, your going to hurt yourself.

Now don't change your mind again, and start talking about the cycle your going to run tomorrow.
lol thanx for all the support, the only reason i wanted to do a cycle was for shoulder, but i guess imaa hold on to it.

and wierd al i am 18 not 19
Doing well, was 205 @ 7.4% this wed, and have my first contest in 8 days! Getting excited!
madchemist36 said:
while i was on test i was very horny, i could do it 4 times a day.
i have been off for a few months now i am finally normal shit beyond morning. i woke up at five today and its 12 in the afternoon and i have done it 5 times already. i dont think i am taking anything to fuck up my levels again for a while.

done what jerked off? come on man ur shit is getting annoying, time to find another board to annoy
i have to agree with press here. dude i don't visit this board that often but when I do and read your posts you always seem to contradict yourself. I remember reading in the past that you are done with cycling for a while then you will post a thread getting ready to start up again. Just out of curiosity how long did you train naturally before you did your first cycle? Gear is not a toy man you can fuck your shit up. And 5 times in about 8 hours? Yeah I'm sure.
Yea I know--5 TIMES!!!! hey kid--some of us might have been born at night-but it wasn't last night--go back to your wet dream!
madchemist36 said:
while i was on test i was very horny, i could do it 4 times a day.
i have been off for a few months now i am finally normal shit beyond morning. i woke up at five today and its 12 in the afternoon and i have done it 5 times already. i dont think i am taking anything to fuck up my levels again for a while.

Ah, youth!